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Hey guys! Its me again! LOL

With one iny-miny problem....How am I supposed to release GBU-10B/C's and -12's without a designator?! I really have no idea! I figured the whole launching thing and manage to hit targets now, but with the A-10, most of my arsenal cannot be used because the A-10 lacks a spike...any help?

Thanks in advance guys!

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LGBs will not lock or track w/o at least a Pave Penny installed on your bird, as I have yet to get the second gen games I don't know if a Pave Spike or Pave Penny is included in the weapons addon packs. FYI, Pave Penny is the small laser desinator mounted on a pylon on the right hand side of the Warthog, under the cockpit, see here.....




As a rule of thumb I hardly carry LGB's preferring to use AGM-65 on Triple launchers, you can carry more stores that way, add so rocket pods and CBU's and it's going to be a bad day for someone.

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theres no way to release a leaser guided bomb without a designator!

you can hit the primary target without the LDP but no chance to hit other targets without LDP in case of using LGBs

or you have to use dump weapons or GPS guided bombs like gbu-30


try to have leaser disgnator pod loaded on board before going for a strike mission if you think to strike by gbu10 or 12

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One quick and temporary fix until you can use a targeting pod is to use the weapons editor and change the guidance type of a GBU-10/12 from Laser Guided to GPS Homing. This way they will work without a targeting pod. I did this until I got gen 2 games.


Hope this helps

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Thanks for the replies guys! The thing is, I cannot equip a spike or pave penny designator on my A-10!! the A-10(78) version...

And...furthermore, how do I lock on to primary targets without a designator? Thanks in advance again! :)


Oh, I think I forgot to add, I play missions in "Quick missions" the ones you can chose your aircraft, type of missions, etc. When I choose the A-10, I get the option for the triple maverick launchers, and i do take them, but nowhere in the options do i get a laser designator pod :(

Edited by GodsLt

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Thanks for the replies guys! The thing is, I cannot equip a spike or pave penny designator on my A-10!! the A-10(78) version...

And...furthermore, how do I lock on to primary targets without a designator? Thanks in advance again! :)



With a GPS weapon all you need is to target it using the key you use as the "ground target finder" and as long as you are in range, the weapon selected it will work. If you want to use an LGB you will need a targeting pod. But try the fix I reccomended above and see if you like that. Laser designator pods are available I believe in the weapons downloads section for SF2, and also certain aircraft downloads include them. I also think that SF2 Exp1 and 2 also include them. Instructions on how to use them come with each download

Edited by warthog64

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Use My A-10C Mod of the A-10 Stock Aircraft in my campaigns. The Cuban Campaign Mod Operation Hydra is coming very soon and has it. It is for Gen2 Israel and Europe combined.

Grab the Aircraft and Weapons out of it.

Edited by Spectre8750

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A quick edit of the A-10_78 and you can create a modern A-10 stand-in. I've done so with the '78 model and added the PGM/targeting pod capability. It's more of an A-10A+ since it lacks the antennas and cockpit of the Charlie.



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Wow you guys are helpful! No sarcasm! lol Nothing like the CombatArms forums....ANYWAYS...lol

I did change the guidance system for the bombs, so i'll test them in about 20minutes, to see how that works out.

I'll definately download the weapon packs, but I do have one question.

I have all four strike fighters 2 games, with NO patches that I know off installed.

should I update first, and if so, which patch? Thanks guys! sorry for my constant questions!


Thanks again!

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I'm updated all the way May then june2011. works fine for me.


Ok thanks for your replies guys! I appreciate your help!

One last thing, and its the same question I asked in another thread.


How can I relase a paveway at a primary target with a red square around it? my bombs simply don't relase from my plane, thus I have to use a spike everytime i'm on a bombing mission...

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I carry a pod all the time so it's a no-brainer for me for any additional targets I may have to engage with an LGB, etc.


Hit E if I understand the question correctly...

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