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Invisible Maverick 65K's?

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Hey guys, after playing around with Killerbee's Ordenance shop II, I came across one little problem. I select the AGM-65K Maverick's as triple launchers, but in the air, the missiles themselves don't show. They do launch and strike things, attributing a kill, but they don't show up. Now, i read an old topic about them, but there's no clear indicator on how to get the Maverick's working for me. keep in mind, I started into the modding hobby about...23 hours ago :) LOL I just recently UNDERSTOOD how to install mods, and with Killerbee's Ordenance shop....boy was I overwhelmed...Anyways thanks in advance for your help!

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ok guys make sure that this line in the dat.ini




FullName=AGM-65G2 Maverick

ModelName=AGM65G--------------------------------------------this one










matches the LOD filename that is in the missiles folder(in this example AGM65G.lod). had the same prob with this particular maverick, it happens across many in gunnys pack but i guess many folks know how to fix and hadn't mentioned it. hope that helps you. and remember they have to match exactly or you'll have stealth missiles!

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All of the Mavericks had typos and have been corrected, thank you!!!

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Thank you very much man! thank you indeed!


So um.. I tried the fix...but the maverick's are still invisible! Atleast the .LOD file inside the Maverick K folder states Maverick G...so I renamed the line in the .INI file...but the missile is still invisible. I must be doing something wrong right?




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are the lod(s) called out in the AGM-65K ini??





ObjectFullName=AGM-65K Maverick















Edited by Wrench

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on several of the gunny pack mavericks they are called out but adding a number or leaving out a number or all small in one and all large in the data.inis. little tiny discrepencies that cause it to not read. i asked the question back in kandahar in 09 fixed it and honestly forgot about it until recently. but it was an issue with several of the later model mavericks in there.







FileName=AGM65G or AGM65g or AGM-65G


you get the idea.

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Yeah I'm gonna try that. Let me check back in a few minutes!

Thanks :)

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