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Hi guys I am new to this sim as I normally only fly WW2 simulators.

Now I have looked at the variuos manuals, but can someone tell me how to lock on the Storm shadows when fitted to the Tornado GR4. At the moment I try using the select next ground target key and then launch the missile, but I get no notification as to whether it's locked which I assume not since I haven't hit anything yet.

Even the HARM missiles don't want to hit anything either and I believe you don't need to lock them first but just point at the threat direction and let 'em go.

Sorry for the long winded post, but I just can't find the answer.


Thank you

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Ahhh...I had the same problems as you in the past. It is really quite simple. For Starters:

HARM's (ARM's, ALARM's, AGM-78's and AGM-45's) are all anti-RADIATION. Meaning...they will only target radars (Fan Song B, Straight Flush...etc) All you have to do is press E so the radar truck is selected, and fire...you'll see the missile aim for it. Or...you can use it against ZUU-23 something's the little AA trucks that have a radar on top. When you hear the RWR beeping or flashing, just point in the general direction of any radar targeting you and fire. But your best bet is to manually select the RADAR's and firing at them.


Storm Shadows: Storm Shadows are just like the Mavericks (AGM-65) . When you select them, a TV-like screen will be shown in your upper right corner of your screen. The Storm Shadow can be fired from almost 80 miles out...so just select your target...point to it and fire the projectile. Need any more help? Just send me a PM!drinks.gif

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HARM shooting: Watch your RWR, once you see a radar transmmiting, point your jet toward the radar signature on your RWR, nose up about 5 to 10 degrees, shoot (MAGNUM) then follow your HARM in weapons view and watch the show. You do not have to get a red box around the radar to shoot HARM, just use your RWR.

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Thanks chaps for your replies, it helps with the HARM weapons.

However although I understand what you say about the storm shadows, when I use the 'select next ground target' I don't get any lock or perhaps it is locked butthe TV view needs zooming in for me to confirm the target?

I appreciate your patience.


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Thanks chaps for your replies, it helps with the HARM weapons.

However although I understand what you say about the storm shadows, when I use the 'select next ground target' I don't get any lock or perhaps it is locked butthe TV view needs zooming in for me to confirm the target?

I appreciate your patience.



No problem man! Always watch how far you are from your target...remember, for the storm shadows your target might not be visible in the TV-screen, but if you already have the target selected and in your field of view, just fire it. You can test that, do what I told you and just follow your bomb in F9 view to its target! Happy bombing!



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Thanks chaps for your replies, it helps with the HARM weapons.

However although I understand what you say about the storm shadows, when I use the 'select next ground target' I don't get any lock or perhaps it is locked butthe TV view needs zooming in for me to confirm the target?

I appreciate your patience.



Are you looking for a "target locked" confirmation either via the HUD or subtitle? it sounds like you're looking for something more than what we're used to "seeing" or experiencing... Describe a typical engagement and maybe that'll help us understand what the issue is.

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Hi EricJ, I simply use the single mission to set up a quick strike mission.

Basically I will approach the target at say 3000 to 5000ft and select the weapon and then bring up the TV mode, I get nothing on the HUD to tell me what weapon is selected or any type of lock etc...

I will then press select next ground target and will see the target on screen, for example a power station building. I will see on the TV a cross in the middle of the screen but that's it, so I have nothing on the Tv or HUD that indicates range or whether to fire. I will then fire when I am visual with the target and the weapon will drop and the wings fold out but it will gracefully glide to the ground in a field somewhere.

It must be me because yesterday I tried a SEAD mission with an F-4 with Mavericks and I get the cross in the screen on target but the seeker head will not lock on it despite selecting next ground target and even pressing the lock button, is this perhaps related?

Again thanks for your assistance.

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if it tracks radar signals, then shooting it at an building / power plant will do nothing.... I'll have to tinker with this tonite to see how I do it.

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Hi EricJ, I simply use the single mission to set up a quick strike mission.

Basically I will approach the target at say 3000 to 5000ft and select the weapon and then bring up the TV mode, I get nothing on the HUD to tell me what weapon is selected or any type of lock etc...

I will then press select next ground target and will see the target on screen, for example a power station building. I will see on the TV a cross in the middle of the screen but that's it, so I have nothing on the Tv or HUD that indicates range or whether to fire. I will then fire when I am visual with the target and the weapon will drop and the wings fold out but it will gracefully glide to the ground in a field somewhere.

It must be me because yesterday I tried a SEAD mission with an F-4 with Mavericks and I get the cross in the screen on target but the seeker head will not lock on it despite selecting next ground target and even pressing the lock button, is this perhaps related?

Again thanks for your assistance.


By reality the Storm Shadow is a cruise missile:




However if it's dropping into the field then somehow the Booster isn't setup. If there is a value of 0 then it needs to be fixed. If you can select the Apache or SCALP-EG it should work as I've fired a SCALP-EG fine before on the range.


TW sims are not as sophisticated so you won't get any indication of a lock (Subtitles not working?) other than the TV screen showing you have targeted something. Note that the weapon system can be launched (if modeled correctly) from way out but watch out for terrain. If you're working in that close then use something like an LGB or JDAM.


Also note that the TW sims do not model any fancy stuff like terrain following flight (it's not that sophisticated) so it's a point and shoot when it comes to game mechanics, unless it's lofted in some way.

Edited by EricJ

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By reality the Storm Shadow is a cruise missile:




However if it's dropping into the field then somehow the Booster isn't setup. If there is a value of 0 then it needs to be fixed. If you can select the Apache or SCALP-EG it should work as I've fired a SCALP-EG fine before on the range.


TW sims are not as sophisticated so you won't get any indication of a lock (Subtitles not working?) other than the TV screen showing you have targeted something. Note that the weapon system can be launched (if modeled correctly) from way out but watch out for terrain. If you're working in that close then use something like an LGB or JDAM.


Also note that the TW sims do not model any fancy stuff like terrain following flight (it's not that sophisticated) so it's a point and shoot when it comes to game mechanics, unless it's lofted in some way.



Building on what EricJ said, and as I said before, there is no way to know if you are locked on or not. Pay attention to the TV screen when you point your aircraft at the ground target. Wiggle around a bit...and if the TV screen seems to not be moving like your aircraft then its locked on.


BTW Mavericks are NOT anti-radiation missles. You need to be inside (IMHO) 9 miles for them to work correctly. They target ANY ground target though....so they are pretty versatile.



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firstly welcome to CA

the main point to understand is , this game ( strike fighters 2 ) is a light simulation!

as i read your post i understand that you are trying to do a strike mission but you dont know how to hit the primary target

strike mission in sf2 is about to hit E and then "\" and then ENTER to release the iron , thats it mission complete GJ RTB!

start a single mission

- have your ride ( your jet )

- chose a map ( in case if you have the whole series merged install )

- chose a mission type ( strike )

- loadout your jet


while you are in the air press E key to have a red box indicating your target location

after pressing E key you will notice a black faded box on the right down corner and that box showing the target location and type and heading and the range ... ETC

and also a red small box on the ground and thats the target locked and ready to be destroyed

now , flight across the target at 13000ft on 1.0 mach speed and have an eye on the range between you and the target also watch your RWR for any SAMs threat , when you 9 miles far from target reduce your speed and press S key in case your speed above 1.0 mach

press "\" key to load the bomb and lets say that bomb is GBU-30 JDAM then press F1 to toggle the cockpit view , nose your jet down to the target ... then at 10000ft and 450 kts hit ENTER key

after having your bomb released preform escaping or cover by pressing X key triple times at least and at the same time preform a right or left turn

and case of using a TV guided bomb or missile such as mavricks or gbu-15 just reach a distance under 10 miles from the target and adjust your nose to target then hit ENTER key to release , and thy are capable to hit mobile targets and multiple targets and no need for LTP ( leaser targeting pod )

in case of using bombs such as GBU 10&12&24&22&28 you must have targeting pod loaded on board because those bombs cannot be release without the targeting pod for riding the leaser beam to hit their targets and thy are capable to hit mobile targets but cant hit multiple targets

in case of using JDAMS such as GBU 30&31&32&38 just have a range under 12 and nose on target and a medium speed then release , and those bombs can hit multiple targets and cant hit mobile targets , no need for LTP ( leaser targeting pod ) because they are GPS guided bombs

i advice you to play on easy settings till you have everything clear

good luck

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Thanks for the info guys, I'll check out the storm shadow boosters.

With regards to the Mav's I was well within 9 miles....I was like about 1mile, and I know it isn't a ARM type weapon. It is that the large cross on the screen points to a target but the smaller seeker head cross won't slew to it for a lock.

I'm going to practise more with the Mav's as I'm sure it's me missing a step somewhere.

Thanks chaps.

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Hi Teras, sorry I just posted as you posted yours.

I understand this game is no Falcon4 where you have to learn to play the piano on the keyboard for all the radar functions alone, but I just wanted to clear up the way I need to ensure a successful strike.

With regards to easy settings, well where's the fun in that?..lol, it would only mean that I'd have to learn it all again.

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hi hawk

its no problem man , i think the fun under hard setting and ultimate graphics so you can have nice toys in the screen and something to endure in the game grin.gif



best regards for ya

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Thanks for the info guys, I'll check out the storm shadow boosters.

With regards to the Mav's I was well within 9 miles....I was like about 1mile, and I know it isn't a ARM type weapon. It is that the large cross on the screen points to a target but the smaller seeker head cross won't slew to it for a lock.

I'm going to practise more with the Mav's as I'm sure it's me missing a step somewhere.

Thanks chaps.


Ohhh!! I see your problem! lol


The thing is, you being so close (<1.5 miles) doesn't let the guided munitions (mavericks, etc) enough time to manouver and hit their target. They will just lose lock and fly a ballistic trajectory.


In regards to the JDAM's....is it me....or they can just hit non-moving targets...I've tried hitting moving tanks and convoys to no avail...only stationary targets....any clues?

(no thread jacking intended lol )Salute.gif

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Yes JDAMs cannot either in the game or in real life attack moving targets. Use GBU-12s for moving targets.




Mainly it has smart bomb delivery as opposed to Mavs, which are lock, point and shoot. I guess I'll have to do a tutorial on stuff like that... sometime.


Note for the LTP... if you are attacking a primary target then it's not needed. However as Teras pointed out for targets of opportunity then an LTP is needed.

Edited by EricJ

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JDAMs are GPS guided weapons. They hit a coordinate, not a target.


There are newer JDAMs with IR or other sensors designed to augment the GPS to hit moving targets.



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JDAMs are GPS guided weapons. They hit a coordinate, not a target.


There are newer JDAMs with IR or other sensors designed to augment the GPS to hit moving targets.




right , JDAMS are GPS guided bombs which is hit their coordinates only and as usual the coordinates cannot be mobile

so the newer JDAMs ( GBU-54/B or lJdam ) able to hit multiple and mobile targets!!

i will soon release the JDAM-ER and AGM-84H ( SLAM-ER )

Edited by Teras

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As said before, use GBU-12s against moving targets if you're going to use a bomb.

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Hi guys,

Well I finally got a hit with the Storm shadow, hoorah!!

On the Maverick front though I still get no hits. Last night flying a Phantom II Wild Weasel I centered the aircraft nose so that the cross on the Screen was on target, then the Mav seeker head cross slewed to center on that. I then waited for either a circle or square to appear over these crooses to show it as locked but nothing happened, so I fired from a few miles out and they didn't track.

I may try and do a fraps video so you can see what I'm doing.


Thanks chaps

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I really should have made sure the skin was squared away (updated and forgot to add the roundels and the like) but here's what should be a very easy layman's guide on how to use a Maverick. Note once you hit the E key (I assume you're using Hard settings) use the F4 padlock to verify you're locked on. If it turns into a virtual cockpit you have acquired the target. Not sure why you get lawn darting Mavs as you probably need to come in closer. There's a map you can download called The Range which can be used to practice a lot of things, using all sorts of weapons.

Maverick Use.pdf

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