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Jul 2011 patch available!

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Well I wanted to fly the A1 Skyraider and the A-4M today but my A1 is not listed and the A-4m pit is all black I think this is due to the new patch july 2011 from 2010.

I have an AMD Quad core 2.83 and 4 gigs DDR3 ram and 4200 ATI intergrated graphics with the latest drivers. So is there a fix for this???


Many Thanks all

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Every new patch (or DLC) will overwrite the .ini files for all stock planes. Any modded stock planes will have to be reinstalled post-patch unless you back up the folders pre-patch. That's my SOP, but on occasion modded .ini files are based on outdated .inis and you'll need to mod a newer one.

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Instead of backing up your MOD folder before applying a patch. Just rename it. Then patch the original game and run the game (your modded exe if you have it).

Then rename back your MOD folder. And since the game has run once before, it will not try to overwrite your MODded files or Modded stock inis.

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When you force DX9, you are most likely also disabling support for multi-threading.

Can we confirm this? I'm making this up, but maybe TK, not wanting work anymore with DX9, left that code not accessing the new multi~thread optimizations. Or the other way around...the new core code not accessing DX9. Is that what you are thinking?


We need to ask TK how his multi~thread works on a basic level...like, is AI broken into unlimited amount of cores? If so, then in the future there would be much less limit to the number of AI units in a mission. Spreading WW2 bomber gunners into multiple cores would help solve the fps hit that gunners introduce in very large WW2 style formations.

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Thank You All for the replies I did back up all and did renstall A-4M but still no joy on the pit will try and reinstall the skyraiders from my back up 2010 install. Will let let you know many thanks!!

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to (re)cover the patching with flyable AI aircraft .......... onnnneeeeeeee mooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeee tiiiiiimmmmmmeeee:


Hadn't seen this KB, right on :good:

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Okay here is what I did i uninstalled all reinstalled and of course xxx on the other mod folders and then added the new version to the old folders and it worked my A-4M now works with cockpit but the A-1 still does not

show so I installed the A1-H and J from SF2 Air to Ground and they work great so now all is good. Hope TK can fix that with the last patch after the new game of course. Thanks again to all for your help!!!



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