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Completed Mission!

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Fifteen days and two reinstalls after our hard drive died I finally completed an OFF campaign mission. I unplugged from the router and disabled every firewall and virus protection I could see (we have Norton). Still can't be sure that's the problem but it worked for 40 minutes without a hitch, and it's very satisfying to get the old Quirk all the way there and back again.


Thanks to forum members for advice and clues as to what to check





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Congrats must admit I had problems when I got my new machine as it was running Win7 64bit but found the answer installing in the Programx86 folder and all works wonderful... right where's my Strutter... :drinks:

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Let's hope you have it finally sorted out Wayfarer. We'll keep our fingers crossed.



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Wayfarer, the modern Anti-Virus programs have a Gaming option.

You could look for it in your AV. There, you can select and tick a box,

which stops all or at least the problematic AV actions, while you are

in full screen mode (which means: gaming).

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