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Cool Campaign Sighting - A twin gun triplane

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I was flying along with RNAS 8 in our recently deployed new Sopwith Camels when off in the distance I spotted a small furball. I zoomed in on the combatants and lo and behold I spy a twin gun Sopwith Triplane. If I remember correctly, only like 6 of them were deployed. Simply amazing that the Devs included them in the campaign. I never got close enough to see what squadron he was in as we got jumped by Alb DIIIs from up high. I wish I found out what squadron he was deployed too. I'd like to try flying one in the campaign sometime.




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I found it in the campaign. RNAS 10 starting on July 29th, 1917. Wow. I didn't think they were flyable in the campaign for some reason. That's just awesome!



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I had a play with it when I first got started and its fun to fly but was too unstable for me back then now its a case off love for the Strutter... but I will get round to all of Sopwith's finest...

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It should be in RNAS1 too Hellshade (No 1 Squadron RNAS) for a week or two around Aug 1917.


I love it and the P4 one will please you more :)

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I'm always amazed again, how "BHaH" is still able to surprise even veteran flyers.

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