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Aircraft Carriers for SF2

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you get the SCB125 and CVA63 stock. Any others , you add just like before to the GO folder (although their radars will need updating to show on a TEWS)

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in a full-4 merged, EVERYTHING is available in the SF2 (base) install. So, propbably, you'd need SF2V merged to get them. (and FRAM2 as well)


EDIT: checking my SF2E install mods folder, they 2 stock CVs also show. Must be a 'merged' then, when reading mods folders from the SF2E.exe, with all the others. They're in SF2:I as well. (to say nothing of Israeli Centurions/Sho'tkal/Magach and European Leopards in SF2V)


this is what the userlist and limitednations statements in the terrains are for

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Probably in the SF2 Downloads section, it's in the Super Hornet package

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Thanks! Sorry about not giving you the link but was pressed for time...

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I've copied the latest CVN-65 to my mods folder, followed the structure, and i cant get the thing to appear, even the missions dont appear. what am i doing wrong? please help!

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