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Panama Red

A guaranteed fix for using Aces skins and HPW FM's

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Here is a tested and guaranteed method to allow you to use both OFF's default Aces skins and HPW's new FM's in P3. Both HPW and I have both tested it and it is guaranteed to work if you use the following steps:


1. Disable all your HPW FMs in the OFF JSGME folder


2. Go into a OFF Campaign and start a campaign mission


3. Click "Go to Field" and start mission for 4 or 5 seconds (you will now see your fellow squadron's Aces skins in your mission)


4. Pause the mission and then exit the mission using the correct upper right pull down selection method


5. Completely exit the game


6. Enable all your HPW FMs in your OFF JSGME folder


7. Go back into your OFF Campaign


8. Select "Fly Last Mission"


9. Now when you re-enter your last mission (that you never flew), you will still see all your Aces skins from the first time and you are now using your new HPW FMs too.:good:




Yes, you have to do some extra steps to fly your campaign mission, but then you now have both the Aces skins and HPW's fantastic new FM's.


I want to thank HPW for his great FM's and confirming this method for using both the Aces skins and his FM's.


This now opens the door for HPW to provide even more of his corrected FM's for the game while using the default Aces skins. :drinks:

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Kind of PITA...if we have to do it for every mission, huh? :blink:

Thanks, Panama Red! :good:

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PITA, yes, but at least you now have a option of being able to use both the Aces skins and HPW's FMs (which is more that we had before).:salute:

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Not a PITA for me at all..takes a minute, if that is a combination one is wanting to utilize. Thanks Panama



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Thank you Panama Red.


I can confirm that this solution does, in fact, work.


Elephant, are you sure you have to exit the game for every mission after the first to get both the skins and the FM? I have not tested this yet, so it still may be possible to fly a second mission in the same campaign without exiting the game. Of course, it only takes a couple of minutes to do so, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

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Herr Prop-Wasche, I just had this idea:

What would happen, if one would move all the ace skins into the MODS folder and activate them there?



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Panama Red's solution works like a dream! :good:

I followed the steps, I flew 5 Lone Wolf missions in a row and in the 6th mission the aces skins were there!

You only have to do it once...

I haven't tested if it works in all the Campaigns though or you have to do it for every Campaign separately.

Even so, not a big problem, at all!

Your suggestion won't work Olham, as I had my Jasta 37 aces skins enabled via JSGME, when I first noticed the problem and they didn't work.

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