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I learned a bit of history today.

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My good old pilot JR 'Bob' Dobbs met some Einies from a squadron I had no idea about flying for the Lafeyette Americaine yesterday...


The designation was KEK Jammetz (?).


Anyway, I had to look this up and finally found a wealth of history concerning the Empire, the four kingdoms and the formation of the Jastas...


Great stuff OFF. I have recieved a very interesting history lesson and feel much more enlightened for it.


I will say something for these KEK lads, they flew pretty bloody well and gave my flight a bit of a fright high up over the mountains before we chased them off.


I havn't met them again since, and have flown a few missions in the same airspace, perhaps they have become a Jasta now, and I met them just before it all happened.


This is definately not a game, it is a lesson.

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:good: ...with a triple "Salute!" to our WW1 History Professor Shredward!

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Ahhh - I'm right there with you smilingmonkey. Since purchasing OFF back in April I've read 5-6 books, watched 10-15 movies/documentaries and spent countless hours surfing the internet for even more infomation - and of course the OFF forums. It really is an interesting moment in history and OFF has captured it so well. :salute:

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Ahhh - I'm right there with you smilingmonkey. Since purchasing OFF back in April I've read 5-6 books, watched 10-15 movies/documentaries and spent countless hours surfing the internet for even more infomation - and of course the OFF forums. It really is an interesting moment in history and OFF has captured it so well. :salute:



I've been exactly the same. You can't always 'do' much with historical knowledge other than know it, but having something like OFF that gives you such a feel for even one small part of the period, as well as an idea of being part of the wider events, helps it all feel that much more relevant.

I had a basic knowledge of WW1, but since getting OFF I have got several more specific books on the period itself, gone through my Dad's collection for the 'boring' political ones that I didn't read when I was a kid - and now seem so fascinating - and even my Mom's books on the royal families of Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which give such an insight into the relationships between various nations in those years.

Like yourself, I also spend ages on the internet looking for related subjects.

Just watch out if you go to a WW1 German uniform site that prompts a alarming warning from Norton - it was about the last site I visited before our hard drive crashed. I still wonder if it did something nasty!





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Just watch out if you go to a WW1 German uniform site that prompts a alarming warning from Norton -

it was about the last site I visited before our hard drive crashed. I still wonder if it did something nasty!

"Zatt iss der late Revenge - ze Dsherrmans vill vin ze Warr! Mmuahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!"

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"Zatt iss der late Revenge - ze Dsherrmans vill vin ze Warr! Mmuahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!"


Ha Ha brilliant Olham,Very Funny indeed :rofl:

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I have to admit that my knowledge of the pilots and technology of this era is lacking, and with my work and home life, there was just no time to pursue the interest...Now, however my situation has changed, I have moved out of the city, into a small country town...The pace here is much slower and I now have the time to delve into the history a lot more, in between bouts of gardening.


I think this situation is much better for my mind, body and soul.


I have been studying Boelke recently...Spurred on by the fact that my pilot (JR) met him in flight a couple of nights ago and left him in flames...That was on May 20 1916.


It was a huge, low level fight that my flight arrived to late, Einies everywhere over a friendly airfield...I ordered the lads to join in and dove down myself only to find myself on Boelkes tail...my first chance at an ace in the game. He ws attacking another kite from a friendly squadron and didnt see me I suppose, there were planes everywhere and just not colliding was an effort in itself, several good bursts at close range and the little Einie was wreathed in flames, I was close enough to hear the screams...


Of course, I had to survive the fight and managed to help out my flight a few times, getting all the boys home...


Then I just had to do some study on the man himself, I expect to meet him again at some point now...

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