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Other Aircraft Used by Dhimar

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What other aircraft would Dhimar have used against Paran. I'm trying to mod the stock campaigns so that Dhimar has a more USAF independent air force. I'm already thinking about various Mirages.

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I would go with a mix of US and French planes. prob a similar mix to what Israel used through the years.

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ducks and runs --- very fast!!



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Mirages would be a good one and Hawker Hunters another... or even throw in a Squadron of Mig's the Chinese kind... to really make it interesting... as this has happened before ala Pakistan vs India...

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I recently modded the 1966 campaign like this:


No regular US forces.

Two squadrons of Mercs, one with F-100, one with A-4Bs

Royal Dhimari Air Force (RDhAF) with:

1 squadron of F-100Cs

2 squadrons of Hunter F.6s

2 squadrons of A-1Hs

1 squadron of Vampires

1 squadron of B-26 Invaders

Plus french "force Lavedure" with Mirage IIICs :D


The US stuff is to have come from recent US military assistance


The Paranis were cut to 2 squadrons of MiG-21s (Fs and PFMs), 6 squadrons of MiG-17s (one with PF) and one each of Il-28 and Su-7BMK

with one iraqui Hunter squadron and one algerian MiG-21 squadron

I am considering to give the Dhimaris iranian assistance in form of F-5As, F-86s or F-84s

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50s to early 60s an insane amount of US WW2 birds would be available from second and third hand users. 60s to early 70s Sabres and F-84s from the same( i mean even Yugoslavia was flyin the Thunderjet) post 60s the US put alot of rules on how their donated/sold aircraft were to be disposed of. Post 70s if you wanted to be US independent then you want to go French or British. (not having SF2 just everything else) i ask was Dhimar originally a British protectorate like Suadi Arabia or Oman? if so then you want to go with British kit(Saudi/Kuwaiti Lighnings, Saudi Tornados) you could also go with Soviet aircraft and western weapons (ala Finland)

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