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9/11 First Responders Not Invited to 9/11 10th Anniversary

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This is terrible, these men and women put their own lives on the line and some lost them to help others with no thought for themselves these men and women should be in the first Row and the politico's should be the ones not invited...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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I work in Public Safety now and have a few friends that I have met over the years from both NYPD and FDNY this is just unforgivable.

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Honestly, we should just observe a moment of silence during the day at the times of each crash. All these "ceremonies" will do is give the politicians a chance to get more face time and in some sick ways, money to be made off of this.


If small groups wish to have their own private gatherings, do so.

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Yeap, a big "ceremony" is face time for the larger fish.


You'd think they could at least invite the responders who worked the scene 10 years ago. Maybe they will dunno.


"...there isn’t enough room for the tens of thousands of firefighters, police and other rescue workers."

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Typical of politicians....just after the next corny line, the next vote, the next grip on power!...they all make me puke

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Lets be honest, are we really that surprised?


Poli = many

Tic = small blood sucking creature




:lol: How very true!

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