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Not all airplanes show up in single mission list

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I have a problem some of my aircrafts doesn't show up in the single mission list even when they have a cockpitfile that work in other planes. In this case the F104C-10_65, F104C-10_66, F104D-10_65, F104D-10_66 and F-104G they all have cockpit.ini file and cockpit folder still they don't show up in the single mission menu as flyable. I tried another cockpit.ini and cockpit folder from an aircraft that do show up in the single mission menu as flyable, still they don't show up. Anyone know why?

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I don't want to point out the obvious, but have you added the cockpit file name to the main .ini file? (i.e. F104C-10_65.ini etc.)



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check for double nexused folder???


does the main ini have the needed lines, as Dels pointed out? (the C & D should have no problem, as they aren't stock birds)



AircraftFullName=F-104C-10_65 Starfighter



CockpitDataFile=F104C-10_cockpit.ini <----





AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll <----

AvionicsDataFilename=F104C-10_avionics.ini <---





are you flying with the operational years of said aircraft?

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Make sure the aircraft folder have the same name as the *.ini file of the aircraft

f.e. Foldername F-104G ini file name F-104G.ini

Edited by Soulman

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The above should have got you up and running but, lower down the 'no show' troubleshooting hierachy is checking that there is a texture set in the skin folders.



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