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OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

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Hellshade, would you say the other "Elder Scroll" games would still be of an acceptable graphic quality?

Should one who is totally new to this RPG play the others first? Or is it a new story now?



If you can still get Morrowind, the graphics are a bit dated but I think it is really good to play, Oblivion is good as well. If you can get them cheap grab them.



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I run a heavily modded version of Oblivion and it is extremely fun. The mods add things that weren't native to the game like companions, blood spray, decapitations and on and on and on. I run a ridiclous 178 mods so as you can imagine...


Would yo mind listing some of the mods you use, especially mods that extend the gameplay.


I have both Morrowind and oblivion but not much in the way of mods. I tried using some ages ago but had problems finding mods that worked together. If you have a bit of a list for either of these two that all work together it would be appreciated.


I still really like Morrowind, I think a bit better than oblivion but both are good. Really looking forward to the next in the series.


One of my friends just purchased "Rage" for his son. He has a fairly good system and it does not run at all. The textures pop in and out like flight simulator when it runs out of memory. Makes me wonder how old their engine is.

From looking at Rage on their PC that seems to run games like the Witcher 2 OK and "Rage" at an unplayable state makes mew wonder if that game will ever be any good.


Regards MarkL

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Well if you really want to know which mods I'm using, here ya go. Anything unchecked on the left is not currently active. Anything with a green or black box next to it on the right is also not active. I use Oblivion Mod Manager to keep them all straight. I recommend www.tesnexus.com as a great source for mods.

Edited by Hellshade

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Can't wait to ressurect a chicken from the dead. seriously.


You need to come down here on the bayou. That sort of thing goes on every Saturday night at the regularly scheduled voodoo orgy :).

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You need to come down here on the bayou. That sort of thing goes on every Saturday night at the regularly scheduled voodoo orgy :).


Happens in Colorodo too sometimes...


Headless chicken


Bet that would scare the "tootsie rolls" out of the kids on Halloween!

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You need to come down here on the bayou. That sort of thing goes on every Saturday night at the regularly scheduled voodoo orgy :).

Perhaps the only way for some of the cheaper Chicken Barbeques to survive? :grin:

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Great new 720HD Skyrim video showing lots of new footage of places, especially cities and towns. Truly amazing work.


Skyrim montage 720HD (6:20)



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Great new 720HD Skyrim video showing lots of new footage of places, especially cities and towns. Truly amazing work.


Yea verily.


I"m looking forward to trying the new combat system with both mouse buttons going. That sounds a lot more intuitive than the previous versions. I wonder if it pays to be a left-handed swordsman?

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That could be interesting for me...As I use the Mouse upside down...seriously..I do! :drinks:

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That could be interesting for me...As I use the Mouse upside down...seriously..I do! :drinks:


Why not use a trackball instead? They're designed to be used that way.


Geez, trackballs and mice. A very long, sad story there.....


Back in the early 1980s, IBM was preparing to introduce the first of the PC family as we know it today. There had been other "home computers" before but nothing so powerful. Anyway, the 1st PC was going to have a pointing device, something no "home computer" had yet had, and IBM was trying to decide which type to standardize on. Even in those ancient days, all the current types (mice, trackballs, touchscreens, light pens, etc.) had already been invented, and IBM was conducting an exhaustive competitive trial to see which one was best. And in thos days, IBM so dominated the computer industry that (almost) everybody else was waiting to follow Big Blue's lead.


This study was completed and unequivocably showed that trackballs were far and away the best type of pointing device in every category. They were the most ergonomic, required the least desk space, were capable of doing the most things, and were the most reliable. So IBM was in the process of signing contracts to ship the 1st generation of PCs with trackballs. And by all rights, that should have happened, and so today we'd all be using them and most folks would never have heard of mice.


But in defiance of the will of the gods, those never-to-be-sufficiently-damned bastards (whom we declare excommunicate and anathema :pope: ) at Apple beat IBM to the pumch by a couple months with their 1st generation Macintosh, which used the much-inferior mouse. This scuppered the pointing device situation for everybody right down to the present day. But at least Steve Jobs has recently gone to the special place in Hell reserved for him due to this great sin.


See, back then, only geeks knew about this competition and there were very, very few geeks. In fact, the biggest job in introducing the 1st PCs and Macs was convincing the average person he actually needed a computer in his house. Anyway, the stores soon filled with the ignorant masses who'd never heard of a pointing device, let alone that they came in many flavors. All they knew was that here was a shelf full of Macs with mice, which they could compare to one of the few demo prototypes of the PC, which as yet lacked any pointing device at all. Thus, the masses were misled into believing that mice were a good idea.


But despite their technical ignorance, the masses of that time were at least smart enough to realize that the 1st Mac was a complete piece of crap. So, they decided to get a PC instead, but they bombarded IBM with requests to attach a mouse to the PC. And IBM, still reeling a bit from Apple having stolen some of their thunder, caved in. Rather than giving the masses the best product, they changed their plans and shipped all PCs with mice.


This relegated the trackball to total obscurity for no less than 10 years. It wasn't until the 90s that a few brave aftermarket companies like Logitech tentatively put them on the market. But despite their total superiority to mice, by that time the mouse had become firmly entrenched in the public mind as an essential part of a computer, so trackballs were regarded as outre' and never had much market share. However, at least they were available to those who wanted them.


But then, just in the last couple years, the trackball industry has been destroyed by the friggin' government. Unlike mice, trackballs have to be made either left- or right-handed. And all the lefties whined so much that trackballs were only right-handed that now all trackballs are made with the ball in the center. This design utterly destroys the utility of the device, making it actually inferior to mice. So now even I have to revert to the pathetic mouse, for which I shall take vengeance on God Himself :diablo: . This, too, I blame on Apple. If that 1st damned Mac hadn't had a mouse, then store shelves would be full of both lefty and righty trackballs and all would be well in the universe.

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Hmmm..a trackball!...now there's a thought!!!!!


cheers BH :drinks:

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Hmmm..a trackball!...now there's a thought!!!!!


I'm afraid you've missed them. I don't consider today's idiotic, politically motivated center-ball models as proper trackballs. Fingers are for pushing buttons, thumbs are for moving the ball. Doing it the other way around violates all sorts of ergonomic principles, both in causing carpal tunnel and in decreasing the speed and precision of operation.

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Looks good enough to tempt me back into RPGs... hope they've improved the dire-logue though.

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Great new 720HD Skyrim video showing lots of new footage of places, especially cities and towns. Truly amazing work.


Skyrim montage 720HD (6:20)




Looking at the beheading..it looks like it aint gonna be girlie !!

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I'm afraid you've missed them.

I don't consider today's idiotic, politically motivated center-ball models as proper trackballs.

Logitech still make a Trackball, which you move by thumb. But it's not cheap.


Can one fight with two swords?

I would olve to fight like the headless Hess in "Sleepy Hollow"!!! (Well, with my head on, of course...) :grin:

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Looks good enough to tempt me back into RPGs... hope they've improved the dire-logue though.


I read Oblivion had 14 voice actors. Skyrim has 70. They also got rid of the random conversations and now have much more directed ones.



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Logitech still make a Trackball, which you move by thumb. But it's not cheap.


Can one fight with two swords?

I would olve to fight like the headless Hess in "Sleepy Hollow"!!! (Well, with my head on, of course...) :grin:


For 7 years I lived in Sleepy Hollow, NY right next to the "Old Dutch Church' and cemetery where this story took place. I used to take walks at night through the woods next to the cemetery until I freaked myself out then I would walk 'briskly' home. :this:

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So that story wasn't thought out by Tim Burton, but is a real legend there?

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'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' written by author Washington Irving - who owned a home in the next town over - is taught in the schools here and is deeply woven into American lore. Tim Burton's version is "hollywoodized' in my opinion and he certainly deviates from the original story. Here is a link to the Wiki page and you really should give it a read if you're interested. It's actually a pretty short book.

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Skyrim character creation facial screenshots of all the races. If you're curious what the basic 10 races can look like, here ya go:


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I got today my brand new rig and I´m Skyrim ready!!! Can´t wait until release. Played Oblivion and it was wonderful, surely Skyrim will be even better!

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'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' written by author Washington Irving - who owned a home in the next town over - is taught in the schools here and is deeply woven into American lore.

Thank you, Shiloh - I'll dive into that. Didn't know that it was almost "American history".

That would explain, why Burton made it up differently - the basic story was probably

known too well already.

Not knowing the original novel, I liked the film - it was something special.

And there are not many good books made into good films lately.

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Skyrim.... I've played Morrowind and Oblivion so much. I linger in the worlds and do not try to finish the games. Skyrim will be a place for me to adventure for years to come. It's the only game other than OFF:BHAH that I have pre-ordered. I got a PS3 and a 42" HDTV for the purpose of playing Skyrim. Nice thing is I get no grief from the wife as she is a big fan too and has Oblivion on her own PC. Until 11/11/11 (and after) I will be learning to play guitar with Rocksmith. It's a fantastic bit of programming, educational and entertaining. I can recommend it if you have a desire to play.


I'm the hero of Kvatch don't you know, hehe...

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the game has been so hyped....but it might just be worth the hype this time

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