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A Declaration To CombatACE people

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I declare this day 12 November 2011 an International Holiday on COMBATACE in dedication to Modders, Staff,& Members, it only makes sense to follow the coat tails of the US Veterans day. All in favour say I. "I"


Most nations have a Veterans/War members day. What's your countries day to remember your true national hero's? I am sure we all at CombatACE would like to hear from our CombatACE extended family about your countries.

Edited by MAKO69

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I have a story from Sweden about Veterans and the utter lack of respect we have for them.


In Sweden, a Veteran is often seen as a dumb brick, an idiot who loves to kill, a rambo-wannabe whos only purpose in life is to waste tax payer dollars by being in the military. The older generation, who endured the constription usually have alot more understanding, but even then, few understands why anyone volentary would want to go to a foreign land and do their duty. Of course, once they mate a name for themselfs, some of them are proud over their accomplishments, but even in Kosovo, there where harsh words over "Shootbat". Soldiers in uniform can also expect to be held accountable for US Foreign Policy. Why? Because we are in Afganistan. There is no respect for the men and women who have chosen the role as defenders. To thank a soldier for serving is seen as an oddity.


Worse yet is the military and the goverments lack of support.


Do you know it was only a few years back the Goverment and the Military activly started supporting veterans after leaving Veterans of Kongo, Gaza, Cyprus, Kosovo and Afganistan to fend for themselfs? Most of the work was done by small, volentary organisations. We completly lacked a veteran policy and I dare not guess how many shaken up veterans who have suffered because of it.


We finally got a Veterans day, but it remains largely ignored.

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There is a yearly Veterans Day in the Hague (next one June 30th 2012) in which our friend and member Muesli is VERY active and the fallen and other victims of (especially ) WW II are remenbered at May 4th every year with ceremonies in every town and village and a 2 minute silence in which trains, trams, buses and a lot of other traffic also stop. Also, on the next day May 5th there is still a veterans parade at Wageningen, but that has been transferred for the most part to the Veterans Day in the summer. There is a separate ceremony is at August 15th every year to remember tthe end of the war in the Pacific and the war victims in the Far East (former Neth. East Indies) . My brother, having spend part of his youth in prison camps at Java, was very much involved in that one, until last year as the president of the organising committee. And then, of course the Battle of Arnhem is remembered in big style with a diminishing but still considerable number of British and Polish veterans. (untill last year a number of them still made parachute jumps over the Ginkelse Heide, one of the original dropping zones)

On the one hand not neary enough is done for our veterans (of which Muesli is one) , on the other hand , there is at least a couple of occasions where something IS organised........





Edited by Derk

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In Italy we have an "Armed Forces Day" on 4th november. On 3rd november 1918 the Austro-Hungarian Empire signed an armistice with Italy after being defeated at the Battle of Vittorio Veneto at the end of october 1918, so on 4th november 1918 World War I officially ended in Italy.


In past years there used to be "open days" in various military bases in this days. Now we "only" have military vehicles on display in the major cities. Here are some photos I took in Milan:

A flying replica of Francesco Baracca's SPAD XIII. Baracca was Italy's top scoring ace in WW1, and was shot down and killed only few months before the end of the war



A Frecce Tricolori MB.339. It flew as "Pony 5" (the 5th plane in the formation) until the airframe ran out of hours, and now repainted as "Pony 0" (the commander's plane, which never flies during airshows) and used in static displays



One of the pre-production Tornado IDS, now used as a maintenance training airframe



While not being a day dedicated to veterans, there is also a military parade in Rome on 2nd june. On 2nd june 1946 there was a referendum in which Italians were called to choose between republic and kingdom as the next form of government, and the republic win, marking the birth of the Italian Republic.

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In the UK the 11th is known as Armistice day and a 2 minute silence is held at 11am yearly .


The nearest Sunday to Armistice Day is called Rememberence Day/Sunday - which is today - again a national 2 minute silence is observed and a bigger ceremony takes place.


for a month or so Poppies have to be worn by politicians and everybody on TV and they are sold to the public to raise money for the Royal British Legion which helps Veterans. Last year was a record year - due to current conflicts the events are very popular.






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In the UK the 11th is known as Armistice day and a 2 minute silence is held at 11am yearly .


The nearest Sunday to Armistice Day is called Rememberence Day/Sunday - which is today - again a national 2 minute silence is observed and a bigger ceremony takes place.


for a month or so Poppies have to be worn by politicians and everybody on TV and they are sold to the public to raise money for the Royal British Legion which helps Veterans. Last year was a record year - due to current conflicts the events are very popular.







....and a MOST impressive ceremony it is !!!!!

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