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Request - Paveway III series updated model

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thanks this is what i was looking for , now i would like to know if the GPS antennas was mounted on the nose-section like here on the GBU-49


here is a beta of all GBU´s i made


GBU-49 with GPS




An update to this post, I've found a pic of a complete UK Enhanced PW3 and it looks like the GPS AE is brown and only slightly raised, not like the EnPW2 or the PW4/GBU-49 types. If anyone can find a better pic it'd be helpful.



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one question is this tail-fuse-prob something very "British" or do all enhanced-paveway have this ???? i find it on all the 1000Lbs paveway-II and the GBU-24 RAF bomb´s enhanced or not






1000Lbs Paveway-II UK



Edited by ravenclaw_007

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LMAO, I haven't seen that in a while! In the RAF the Armourers are generally known for being knuckle-dragging low-brow simpletons (and about 80% of the time thats right!) so while it's probably not on every bomb as an official marking (DRILL would be though) it wouldn't surprise me if an Armourer in a bomb dump had scribbled this on the tail units he was working on just to let the guys building the whole package know that it was definitely the Enhanced Tail Unit (we'll probably still have non-enhanced ones store somewhere too).




Sorry Ravenclaw, I reread your post and I now understand you're asking about the Fusing rather than the wording (Doh!). Yes that is a British Fuse and should only be on UK bombs. The airflow over the fins spins the blades which arms the fuse and you can see the safety wire which attaches to the pylon and stops the vanes/fins turning while it's on the A/C and snaps when the bomb is released. It used to be an Armourer "thing" to collect these (and cannon shells) as trophies proving that the bomb they had loaded/worked on had been dropped on something.


I'll pop around to 12SQN tomorrow and take a bunch of pics of their standard PW3 they have on display (we've got a Sea Eagle, WE177 and Storm Shadow on 617).


PS I found some up close pics of the nose of the Enhanced Paveway 2 as well (you may already have the bottom two) -






Edited by ianh755

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thanks for pointing me on the writing :grin:


it seem´s that the reason for the "enhanced" on it is that the tail section is longer then the normal one or to be more specific the plastic-cover (with the teeth) between the BLU-109 body and the tail-section is longer then the normal one


it is at almost doppel as wide as the normal one i dont know if this is because of the tail-fuse or the "enhanced"


normal GBU-24







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That "extra fatter bit" on the rear of the warhead - forward of the teeth is about 6in (15cm) longer I think and around 4in (12cm) to the radius. It's there to allow us to fit our UK fuse which is bigger than the US ones and has more bits (technical term :blink:) inside for anti-tamper etc! I'll try and get a better measurement of it if possible tomorrow (maybe too high off the ground).

Edited by ianh755

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It makes big boom......



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Ravenclaw - Hit the jackpot! Went around the camp taking piccys of the different stuff we've got and got you this -


27 high Rez pics (3648x2736) of an Enhanced Paveway 3, 16 of a TV Guided Martel AJ-168, 16 of a Sea Eagle and 23 of a WE-177 (Storm Shadow display model removed due to high winds here, AIM-9L we've already got so I didn't bother).


They're all shrunk down to 1024x768 in this 11Mb zip file (full size is 300Mb!) so let me know which ones you want as full size and I'll upload them for you.




Here's the measurement pic for the extra section - ***EDIT*** it's 5.5in or 14cm from the otherside of the silver band.



Edited by ianh755

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:yikes: you have paveway-III and i´m looking for pictures :grin:


Thanks for that one :good:

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GBU-24 Paveway-III update




includet the GBU-24 Paveway_III UK



Edited by ravenclaw_007
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is done i just dont have time to make all the skins for it


i have all the sidewinders done a year ago and this morning i was able to make a basic skin for the 9M , i realy need more hands and a lot more time to finish all that is done in 3d but dont have any skins :grin:

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