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Aerospace Projects Review

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I'm not sure how many of you have seen these before but there's a ton of hard-to-find info in these and well worth the low prices. I personally bought the last issue that has among other things articles on the F/B-23 and F-23 NATF.



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hot stuff there, reasonable prices... I think most of the info couldn't be obtained by search internets button...

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His recent book Rainbow~>Gusto is very, very good story of stealth applied to U-2 and Oxcart. Johnson hated "stealth" wanted nothing to do with it (kinda like me) ...Kelly he figured 90,000 feet easy for A12, but CIA strung along Convair until Kelly caved in and got on the stealth bandwagon, thus lowering the cart's performance. Very interesting stuff. Get it.

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