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I realize everything is subject to change

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But as of now, will CFS3 QC remain in Phase 4, I understand that would be telling.


I'm familure with the . . . . Definate Maybe


Not to include the Heavy Bombers or the Zepplins or the Parasol, basically Phase 2 aircraft with Phase 4 scenery


As I find CFS3 QC more enjoyable than campaign. I enjoy my control, more than the manager's

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Yes, it most certainly will...except that it is vastly improved to include the possibility of 2 flights on each side - instead of just 1 per side - and it can have up to 10 planes per flight instead of 6. So you can QC with 40 planes in the sky instead of just 12.




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abyss, look at the video again and use "pause" to see the "QuickCombat" Manager in detail and with time.

I think you should be very happy with it.Make sure to watch at highest resolution.

Edited by Olham

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You know what I like a lot, guys? This full rich touch of nostalgia, of the spirit of that time.

Okay, I know - the poor people didn't have Mahagony wood and brass clocks, but that's

the good about nostalgia - in hindsight everything looks great.

Here it is the style of the British Empire - he afterglow of the Victorian Age.

You got that captured so well in your Manager here - first class!

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I spend a lot of time in QC...especially with my busy work stuff at the minute...so this is Music to me ears!

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You know what I like a lot, guys? This full rich touch of nostalgia, of the spirit of that time. Okay, I know - the poor people didn't have Mahagony wood and brass clocks, but that's

the good about nostalgia - in hindsight everything looks great. Here it is the style of the British Empire - the afterglow of the Victorian Age.

I agree. This is looking great. I did notice, however, that the "Time of Day" to fly seems unchanged. ( Dawn/Morning/Afternoon/Dusk/Night) I was hoping for a clock that gave more choices. I live in Quick Combat, and I've found that if I fly at Dawn, the sun is usually not over the horizon yet, and at Dusk it's already set. Morning and Afternoon are pretty much the same looking, so my choices are just two: Daylight or Night. Still, that late-Victorian era look is very cool. Maybe P5 will have some full-bore Steampunk to play with.

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. Maybe P5 will have some full-bore Steampunk to play with.



P5. . . . . . . . . . . surely you jest.


P4 . . . . . . . would be in everybody's sticky fingers for Christmas if there were ever plans for a P5


I do think using a clock controlled atmospheric conditions, rather than approx time of day


Would be the same thing as making tracer bullets which at extreme ranges differ in trajectory from the metal jacketed bullets . . . . ie. . . when the chemical that causes it to be visable burns up . . . . it's lighter

Now while it does exist, it's negligable . . . Which is same situation as the clock :drinks:

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As it stands now it's a question of available content. Some of us enjoy being the ultimate tourist. In Phase II we had the choice of London or Paris, I enjoyed flying through the legs of the Effil Tower.


By Phase III only London survived, so I ask what of Phase IV, or do I need to wait for the release to ask again ?

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Possibly something to look foreward to. In Phase I we flew Camels ot of Suttons Farms in Home Defense ( we had a borrowed Zepplin ). Phase II did not feature the Zepplin, as it was originally intended to be Payware, and it's owner didn't want to be part of a payware operation.

Now there's a Zepplin


However we did have the Short Seaplane in Phase II as a verticale bomber complete with bombsite, she also carried a torpedo, but with No Targets. But third party missions featured the ships

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My most enjoyable mission happened way back in Phase 1, I was flying a Third Party Mission in a Short Torpedo Bomber

Which is so slow and unmanuverable it's mind boggleing. Against a German Cruiser


In real life 10 or 16 Fighters went in Strafeing the deck, while the Shorts attacked. This time it was just me against him.

I flew it 4 times, and 4 times I was blown out of the sky, no guessing . . . .the screen just went Red then Black


The Fifth time a 20 minute mission took almost 2 hours, when I emerged from a fog bank, I was 500 yards out, 3 feet above the wave tops, the at anchor cruiser fired repeatedly at me, but she couldn't depress her front turret far enough to hit me.

I never planned it that way, but I'll take it

At that point I realized his butt was mine

As I closed on his position, he was attempting to make steam, and lift that anchor.

But to NO avail . . . A Bow Shot is a thing of beauty. . when it works . . and it did

When the flames cleared, there was but an oil slick . . .Very Satisfying


But it's like playing chess against your computer, if it worked once . . it Never Will Again


I tried that mission many times, and everytime I cleared the Fog Bank, the Cruiser wasn't there.

The closest she was a half mile down the coast and underway


Thankfully Phase 2 became available

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Maybe they can adjust the time for Dawn for half an hour before sunrise and Dusk for half an hour before sunset. This way you would still have enough light to fly the mission, assuming that it gets a little light before the sun rises in western Europe.

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Host mission is an interesting inclusion.


Quite right sir. Quite right indeed.



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