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Hello Flying Aces..


I have a few Questions and some answers of my own but i dont know if thats correct or otherwise.

so i have somebody can help me out.


Normally i tweak/mod things for MSFS so no guns or missiles that part is some bit new for me.

i know i am a bit late to join the Wings over Europe Community i dont know if there are people still flying this game/sim or how u wanna call it.

but i was borred with MSFS sims.. staking off landing taking off landing.. some times a enige failure but no exciting moments..

i have also falcon 4.0 and falcon 4.0 AF but strangely.. i got on this pc <speccial made for games that run better under XP then vista or win7.>

i got a nvidia geforce 5600 fx with 128 mb .. enough to be on the recommended site of the game with falcon 4.0 af.

my pc don't like that low end flying game and the graphics looks terrible if u compare it with wings over europe 1..

still my vid card fan is running like h#ll with that game its sounds sometimes if my pc is going too take off hahahah.

but with this <WOE> game its quiet and no need to tie my pc too the ground hahahahah


only i never ever hear about this game especially when it was launched <i live in the netherlands>

untill a few month a go.

so better late then not at all;)


Question 1:


I use the Mirage made F-14A with a Jolly Rogers fighting 84 texture.

when i selecteded it for instant action trough KMD editor.

i found the weapon loadout incorrect ..


no AIM 54C thats lame as H#LL the plane was build for that weapon..

after some tweaking.. i got the AIM54C.

in a other topic i saw that somebody said that air to air load out is used for instant action. <topic of Seiran>

but after i changed that the air to air in loadout.ini and at the same time the loadout.ini.qmd


i only got 2 of the 6 aim 54c i wanted... after i changed the air to air longrange inside the ini and ini.qmd files

i got what i wanted..


but now i am stuck with something else about this weapon the range..

normaly in real its about 100 nmi or 190 km..


with a speed peak of 4800 km/p or mach 5

or thats what wikipeadia is telling


well i found in the sim data some answers but can any body explain in what kind of

measurement is the game using..


example : out of the f-14A weapondata.ini



okay but what is 130000.000000 in metres or inch or miles or km or feet ???

and can somebody explain how the options below here effect the game and what other config i can use with those options <all out of the f-14 weapondata.ini.>


Availability=2 ----> in other sims like msfs2004 0 means no 1 means yes but 2 i normaly not use so can anybody explain what 2 means inside this game <wings over europe 1> and what happend if i change it to 1 or 3 or 0 ?

also for this one BaseQuantity=4 ??


what is the export thing ?? and how does it work?





MaxFuelAmount=968.90 under droptanks section is that liters or gallon or pounds?


also the war head type


its now WarheadType=0


does anybody know a list what those options are standing for?

or something.


Question 2:


the orginal map germanyce have no Dutch airports like Leeuwarden AIrbase <i live around the corner of that base..

and it is the most primary airbase for NATO to defend the north sea and intercept russian planes or UFO's in European air space. also it defends much or north german airspace up to denmark.that was the primary role of that airbase during the coldwar periode..


is there a bigger version of the map ? with more airports/airbases?

or a other map with the netherlands airspace inside it?


i found a number of belgium mods of planes like the starfighter i believe also from the mirage mod builder.. same as the f-14A..


i suppect there is a map with belgium.. if there is not why made belgium planes??


Question 3:


are there still people flying this game with or without patches?

and if there are are there still people flying online or something?

PS i got Wings over Europe and Vietnam.. that are the games i wanna know about if somebody still plays it and or online.


or is everbody in too strikefighters 2?


<i look at some youtube vids of part2 but it allmost look the same only higher system req?? what is so differant about it?

why it looks the same but higher requirements.


Thx from the netherlands from a nooby on the strike fighters/ WO* series

Edited by patriotDJ

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welcome partiorDJ :drinks:


have you peeked into the Strike Fighters Knowledge Base (knows as KB)? A lot of interesting reading awaits you there



and true, most switched to Series 2 which has better graphics, better optimization and tons of new features

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welcome partiorDJ :drinks:


have you peeked into the Strike Fighters Knowledge Base (knows as KB)? A lot of interesting reading awaits you there



and true, most switched to Series 2 which has better graphics, better optimization and tons of new features


well number of youtube vid i found was the graphics not that much better then WOE..

and u Can get a game that look good but all that good lookin have to expense from something else..

most time in games its the AI or Physics.. look batllefield 1942 in compare with operation flashpoint 1...

plashpoint 1 the AI was more advanced then in bf 1942 but bf 1942 is younger then flaspoint;)


i just wanna say not allways a new game is much better like msfsx in compare with msfs2004

and i cant play sf2.. no directx10 vidcard..


but tell me what are some of the tons of new things inside SF2??


and yes i looked at the mod corner on this forum but i didnt find the answers i am look for.

or its maybe on the last page or something...


but thx for u reply

Edited by patriotDJ

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well number of youtube vid i found was the graphics not that much better then WOE..

Just Plane Wrong.

The graphics are superior. I spent several years with SF2 and returned to the First Series recently for the multiplayer. While WoI does not look bad, it cannot hold a candle to the rendering and lightning of SF2.



but tell me what are some of the tons of new things inside SF2??


SF2 gets all the new neat features. Like DLC, Campaign Editor, Mission editor and is activly worked upon. SF2 North Atlantic - with F-14A is upcoming. And it looks stunning for a SF game.


It also gets all the mods, such as the Scandinavian Front and the upcoming Korea Air War.

i cant play sf2.. no directx10 vidcard..


I played SF2 on a DirectX9 computer. Loading times was a little off, but it worked fine.


Also, kindly check your spelling. We want to help, but its a tad difficult getting to know what you want to ask.

Edited by JonathanRL

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Just Plane Wrong.

The graphics are superior. I spent several years with SF2 and returned to the First Series recently for the multiplayer. While WoI does not look bad, it cannot hold a candle to the rendering and lightning of SF2.





SF2 gets all the new neat features. Like DLC, Campaign Editor, Mission editor and is activly worked upon. SF2 North Atlantic - with F-14A is upcoming. And it looks stunning for a SF game.


It also gets all the mods, such as the Scandinavian Front and the upcoming Korea Air War.



I played SF2 on a DirectX9 computer. Loading times was a little off, but it worked fine.


Also, kindly check your spelling. We want to help, but its a tad difficult getting to know what you want to ask.


sorry for the spelling...


but still i got no answers!!!


like what it do if i change some numbers...

okay i allready find out that its metres they use..

and kilo's


but still what Availability=2 means and what happend if i change 2 in to 3 or 1 or 0 or 4.


also about that export thing and how that is working inside the game


and if there is a bigger version of germanyce map

or a other download content with the netherlands inside it...

Edited by patriotDJ

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Good morning patriotDJ,


and welcome to the SF world.


The difference is the whole structure of SF2. Its better organized and modder friendly than SF1 was.


Im not an ini guru, soI would suggest you could post your question, (copy paste) into the SF2 forum also. There are more people around than here.


The ini entries for the planes are nearly the same for SF2 as for SF1.


Look out for pics about the new SF2 North Atlantic or (New Aqua) as some call it. It looks like LOMAC and feels like SF2, so its modable and nearly userfriendly ;)

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All measurements are done in metric real life data 1/1. If this was one of the answers you were looking for

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So a maxlauchrange at 130.000 is 130.000 meters

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i found a number of belgium mods of planes like the starfighter i believe also from the mirage mod builder.. same as the f-14A..

i suppect there is a map with belgium.. if there is not why made belgium planes??

there are plenty of Belgium variant planes in downloads section for Series 1 (that's how we call it anyway opposeed to SF2 serie)

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there are plenty of Belgium variant planes in downloads section for Series 1 (that's how we call it anyway opposeed to SF2 serie)


well i mean if there is belgium planes where is a proper map with belgium/netherlands borders

... so i suppect there is some where a map with belgium or netherlands airspace..when there are that amount of belgium planes to download

the orginal germanyce map have no proper belgium/netherlands airbases


but during the cold war netherlands was the missiles early warning station for US

and the first station to intercept enemy planes above west part of germany and the noth sea..

in august this year they still play that role because they intercepted the tu95 bear second time this year

and every week they intercept planes when they are going UFO inside north west european air space.


real recording of the intercept of the bear in 2011

Dutch f16 intercept Russian TU-95 Bear bomber A pair of F-16 Leeuwarden Air Base on 17 August 2011 two Russian aircraft of type TU-95 Bear intercepted just outside the Dutch airspace. Both bombers flew there without identifying themselves. Dutch fighters grew more this year for a similar action with Russians. The images were taken with the helmet camera of one of the F-16 pilots.


thats why i want a proper belgium/netherlands border map with airbases like the leeuwarden airbase <i life allmost right next too it.

or i have to make it my self but if its all ready done.. well i can spent mytime on building/creating/tweaking other things.


but i have a other forum topic... where i need realy some help with..

about weapon loudout menu.. and why i cant select but if i fly the payload is there...


if that issue is fixed then i am happy..


and about modder friendly still msfs is the most easy one..

i can even mod the game when running..so open is microsoft simulators.

and online u can fly with fs2002 in fs2004 servers and other way around..

if u have mods installed and the other player don't he automaticly adjust the game..

thats how games ment to be.. and can play on very low spec or very very high spec pc's

most other games dont only 1 kind of spec. so more people can enjoy the freedom of flight..

and not everybody wants to pay big bucks for a high end game pc..

thats why i allways liked MSFS simulators.




i have find a other flight sim but that is a very heavy one the best on flight sim with military planes and commercial planes.

flightprosim and no arcade gameplay like strike fighters series both have...


if u don't want to learn all the stuff on a plane well dont fly at all...arcade is mainstream... mainstream things most of them suck big time..

but not for me i have fly a few times my self with a cessna 172.. i know how to really fly with a real plane...

and most likly i am going next year or in 2013 to russia to fly in a mig 2 seater..

when i got the right amount of money too do it.


but thx for the post about the measurement!!

i am grateful

Edited by patriotDJ

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Look out for pics about the new SF2 North Atlantic or (New Aqua) as some call it. It looks like LOMAC and feels like SF2, so its modable and nearly userfriendly ;)


your right that look much better.. i saw some of the screens.. nice looking tomcat jolly rogers mmmm very very tastful tomcat


but i find the most screens and vids of the stock strike fighter 2 not that tasty as i hope from a new product in this time...


i got lock on flaming cliffs

i got both falcon 4.0 and 4.0 AF.

i got msfs 2004 and FSX

I got flightsimpro.

wings over vietnam and europe.


but i lost 1 that was a sim there u can drive a car .fly a plane or heli. be a submarine commander or a boat commander.

all in 1 sim. u can transfer from car to plane drive to or from the airfield.

and i even don't know the name of that sim grrrr!!!


most flight sims in my collection are fun and when u have a good pc most look great..

but in every sim there is something that sucks big time.


wov no air refueling... and did not find any thing to refuel on ground only rearm.. alt+w adding to the command list/key list.

woe i havent completely look in to the game but my thought same als wov


flightprosim good psyhics and models.. but grahics litte behind i say the stock strikefighter 2 looks better.


msfs2004 and fsx too commercial and a little to the arcade side of simulators.


falcon series graphics way behind.


flamingcliffs <1.12 i got>

great but all those trees makes it a bit to heavy for my pc.

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I have started with Red Baron so, graphic isnt all. I fly GLiders in RL so I know how flying is. But if you want quick action, abit of flying around and shoot some missiles and drop Bombs... theSF Series isnt so wrong.


I donw want to have simlated every button in a cockpit .. it still doesnt feel right .. so why not having some fund withjets of all Eras, so you can have the whole aviation history in one combatsim .. and than go out and fly RL... its justgreat ... sometimes I miss some guns on my gliders :D


Mh .. Combat Gliders ...


Ilike SF cause you can fly and fight with planes which are in no other flight sim ;) All settings are set to realism,but its still agame ...


Grüße aus Deutschland

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real recording of the intercept of the bear in 2011

Dutch f16 intercept Russian TU-95 Bear bomber A pair of F-16 Leeuwarden Air Base on 17 August 2011 two Russian aircraft of type TU-95 Bear intercepted just outside the Dutch airspace. Both bombers flew there without identifying themselves. Dutch fighters grew more this year for a similar action with Russians. The images were taken with the helmet camera of one of the F-16 pilots.


maybe also fun for strikefighters 2...

kind of mod for this.

because this is still happening no fiction or history.

a little cold war left..


even that base leeuwarden have every year a training called operation frisian flag where migs/sukhoi fly agains nato planes.

its a combined training of USA Brittian Germany Poland and some other eastblock country's

only this year it was cancelled because most of the f-16 were dropping bombs at Libya..


if u want a proper scenerio that is not fiction or history

with lot of action every week i can supply modders of SF2 with lots of information..

charts.. I have family working at that base..


also a fact is here in the netherlands we have atomic bombs from the USA to be close to moscow

every night there are 4 or more fake transports and 1 real one, between bases no 2 days stay's those bombs on the same base every night they transport it..

USA/DUTCH convoys in civil looking cars and trucks and army vehicles.

most people don't know what role the netherlands play in the cold war up till now.


i can think tons of beatifull scenerio's with only those 2 information alone.

for every moddeble combat flight sim


so if some modders want some info just ask.


if u help me with sf1 serie this is the way i can help you modders with sf2 serie;)






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But if you want quick action, abit of flying around and shoot some missiles and drop Bombs... theSF Series isnt so wrong.


I donw want to have simlated every button in a cockpit .. it still doesnt feel right .. so why not having some fund withjets of all Eras, so you can have the whole aviation history in one combatsim .. and than go out and fly RL... its justgreat ... sometimes I miss some guns on my gliders :D


Mh .. Combat Gliders ...


Ilike SF cause you can fly and fight with planes which are in no other flight sim ;) All settings are set to realism,but its still agame ...


Grüße aus Deutschland


your right it feels not real thats true but never ever a sim feels like real;)

but a simulator was for training and know all the stuff about a plane even crash a plane .. with no lost of life and lost of a plane...

thats why army /navy and airforce use simulators..


okay most have a real cockpit to sit in it.. and all de buttons are working..


but still i dont like thinks to be easy as new born baby can do it;)


and what i mean that sf series are little bit arcade is enemy on hard, campaign on hard and still 38 kills in 8 missions most with gun and my favorite missile AIM54C

and no death or ejections or even a bullet it on my side..


so i think the AI can be much Harder.

or are there AI tweaks ?i got patch oct 2008 installed

Edited by patriotDJ

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I fly GLiders in RL so I know how flying is.

fly RL... its justgreat ... sometimes I miss some guns on my gliders :D


Mh .. Combat Gliders ...


Grüße aus Deutschland


You Germans and Flying a sailplane muhahahah that brings back a memory of the WW2 German fighter pilot Aces..

and how they trained after WW1...


also i think they also liked the guns and cannons on there sailplanes muhahahahahah


i dont hate Germans like most Dutch People do... because of WW* I allways wants to be on the German side..

what a great fying machines they got...

volksjäger... Heinkel He 162 or BF 109 or Stuka dive bomber ... love those planes..

or the Dutch/German build Fokker planes out of WW1.

Great Great Planes... if German never attacked Russia dutch people have spoken german;)

and in our national anthem we ask our selfs if we are from german blood... hahahahah ;)

Edited by patriotDJ

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