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OT: Miserable Computer Experience

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While my worries are not nearly as severe as Tranquillo's...

Edited by CaptSopwith

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You're quids in Capt Sopwith.




They sold you a laptop with a dysfunctional keyboard, you have their acknowledgement the keyboard was dysfunctional. As far as I know, you have grounds to return the product as unfit for sale and demand your full money back.



Edit - The USB and system (?) damage is irrelevant. They were not defects you reported, ergo they were not present when you used the laptop. Even if the damage susequently happened in transit, the transit would not have been necessasry if the keyboard did not have a fault.



Keep it brief, keep it simple, but use a lawyer to write. Don't threaten them, just do it.

Edited by Flyby PC

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Companies like this are owned and operated (at the higher echelons) by criminal scum, and I think we all know that by now.

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Sorry to read of your computer woes Captain. Unfortunate that there are so many companies that now operate under such principles, or rather lack of same. Perhaps a good firebombing is in order; that'll teach 'em some respect for their customer base.



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Kidding everyone, just kidding. Violence is never the answer ... except when it is.



Again, for any Big Brothers reading this ... just kidding. :grin:



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The USB port defect can only happen when somebody forces it, or a mal function device short circuit it.

I would follow letter by letter what Flyby PC said.

The USB and system (?) damage is irrelevant. They were not defects you reported, ergo they were not present when you used the laptop. Even if the damage susequently happened in transit, the transit would not have been necessasry if the keyboard did not have a fault.


Keep it brief, keep it simple, but use a lawyer to write. Don't threaten them, just do it.

I'm afraid that in 2005 were different times, and now probably even Dell wouldn't react the same as it did.

Corporate bulls**t. f***ers. They overrule us constantly.


That's why I always suggest to people that they test throughly their computers in the first 15 days, and at the minimum annoyance return back and demand a refund. We all know that the material used is cheaper and although the quality of assembling (in China) is better then a couple of years ago, the overall is wost.

Edited by Von Paulus

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Corporate assholes everywhere!...this is an email I sent to my 'alleged' future ISP just yesterday...


Dear Sir/Madam


Account number **************


I have been a loyal customer of SKY for several years, but am at my wits end now!


I ordered Broadband unlimited from you at the end of November 2011... I needed a new phoneline put in, and was told an engineer would be calling round to fit the line on 19th December 2011.


He never bothered to turn up, and I had taken unpaid leave to wait in for him, losing £102.80 in wages!


Whilst I am aware that BTOpenreach install the line, and not yourselves, you are however the only contacts we are allowed.


I was then told, when I called Sky, the next available slot was January 25th 2012!


Next, I recieved a letter from yourselves, saying I had to pay again, as I wasn't in when the Engineer called!....Naturally I called SKY again (on my mobile, as I now had no phone line!).... And was told by your representative, that an urgent email would be sent to see if this outrageous date could be revised...and a promise to let me know would be forthcoming!...........................................................nothing! (exit tumbleweed stage left!)


I then watched in Horror, a Sky advert on TV..SIX MONTHS FREE BROADBAND for all new subscribers!...well, perhaps, as I had been dumped on from a great height, four weeks earlier, I thought, just perhaps I might be entitled to that?...I mean, I have been without a Phone or Internet access all over Christmas and New year, with my 'Fairytale Package'...So, I called again (on my Mobile of course)


"We shall put in a request for you....It will take 72 hours"...came the curt reply!...We will be in touch then....... yup, you guessed it!.............................................................................nothing


So, today...I phone again.....


"Please can I have my date brought forward for the phoneline?"




"Any chance I will be in line for the free six months internet, as I have still no broadband" (apart from my Mobile Dongle)




"Why not?"


"Because you ordered it in November"


"Ok...that's pretty rotten of you....can I at least have the date moved nearer, November to January without Broadband or phone access sucks!"




Well, thanks a lot Mr Murdoch...... perhaps I should explain, that I am a VERY busy Self Employed Computer Engineer, who regularly fixes, and advises on ISP issues!


Shall I continue to recommend SKY as a Broadband supplier?


Yup...You guessed it




Simon Falla (ex supporter of SKY Broadband)

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Very sorry to hear about your troubles Sopwith. Laptops, in my humble opinion, are more trouble than they're worth. I have a MSI GX620 that, quite literally, started falling to pieces and becoming unhinged soon after it fell out of warranty, to the point where it became unusuable without an external monitor and effectively rendering it a low-powered desktop. The laptop before that one randomly fried on me one day, also out of warranty. Maybe MacBooks ARE better, but I've never owned one and won't since I've sworn off laptops entirely. These days I use only my self-built desktop, which I know and trust, and all my mobile computing is done via tablets. I find I'm much more hassle free that way.


I hope your situation gets resolved. I think we all know how incredibly frustrating it is when the simplest things go awry, particularly when we buy them with the goal to make our lives easier.


Cheers drinks.gif




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I've seen this s**t happens a lot of times nowadays, from cars companies, ISPs, insurances, electricity providers, banks, etc.

I'm sick and tired of their bulls**t. The last decade of greedy financial capitalism brought us into this.

This will not prevail, but it will take time and things will be even worst before that.

My father, after the Portuguese revolution said that we should put all communists in arena and shot them all. 40 years later, probably he would repeat the same speech but this time he would replace the poor commies by these real leechers. They are like cancer.

Sorry, but when I hear a case like your case and Simon's, I become real angry.


Write a letter to Lenovo, maybe with the help of a lawyer friend, reporting the whole issue.

Probably you won't get any positive response. But that's the only thing you can do

Also contact a consumer defense organization, one that really works.

Edited by Von Paulus

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I'm afraid that in 2005 were different times, and now probably even Dell wouldn't react the same as it did.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Lenovo's attitude ( and others of the same ilk) stems from the fact that profit margins are so razor-thin on electronics, that customer service, repairs, and honoring warranties would result in a net loss on that particular item.

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I wouldn't be at all surprised if Lenovo's attitude ( and others of the same ilk) stems from the fact that profit margins are so razor-thin on electronics, that customer service, repairs, and honoring warranties would result in a net loss on that particular item.

All right. Then don't sell at that price. Don't offer their asses, wifes and kids to make a deal with the big retailers. The issue is that everything is unbalance nowadays. And it's set to serve a few. We are living in a big lie, that things have to be this way.

Edited by Von Paulus

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Speaking from direct experience, the country I live in is diseased with indifference and cynicism.


I was lied to by a Bank, and fought for 2 years for justice. They screwed up opening my business account, and for all that time, I demanded to see the application form I believed they had lost. Not the Bank, the Ombudsman, the Ombudsman's appeal, the Ombudsmans standards department, nor the "Independent" (Ha!) Assessor would provide me with a copy of my original account application form. I finally threatened to sue the Independent Assessor personally for Conspiracy to Decieve if he didn't produce my form, whereupon he finally did. The form revealed my established account number was written on top of an earlier account number which was scribbled out. In other words , proof positive of my complaint. He awarded me £600, and I told him where he could shove it.


When I set up a business seeking to buy my own land, Scottish Enterprise had 'land banked' all available commercial land, and refused to sell me land. I was obliged to buy land blighted by flooding, with the optimum value of my development forever blighted by it's location. Most of the land they refused to sell me is still vacant 7 years later. Despite seeking no subsidy, employing 4 local youngters as apprentices in a traditional industry, they stated my business was not the type of business they wanted to encourage. 7 years later, the same Scottish Enterprise which promotes sustainability in the building industry, growth for business through innovation, training for school leavers, etc - Determined our own innovations and developments were arbitrarily excluded from support, even before we formally applied for any. We wrote to 3 Scottish Ministers to protest about this prejudice, and not a single one of them has replied to us. Take it to an Ombudsman they say.... Yeah, whatever....


Last year, we were taken to an Employment tribunal by 4 employees we paid off a year past October. Our one and only failing, which I admitted and acknowledged immediately, was a shortage of funds to pay the £5,800 redundancy they were due. I asked them for time to raise the funds, but they lodged a claim with an employment tribunal regardless. It took me 3 months to raise the money, which I paid, and wrote to the Employment Tribunal to confirm the action represented the final discharge of our obligations to these individuals, and that as far as we were concerned the matter was concluded. A month later, the tribunal went ahead regardless, but when we didn't appear, the Employment judge upheld the complaint against us, interpreting our absence from the hearing as no answer being made to the complaint which he upheld, costing me a further £2k. To put this into context, a complaint which was never made, ever specified in detail, which we were never actually accused of, of an event which never actually happened, and a complaint we had the written evidence to rebutt threefold was upheld against us, and our appeal thrown out. I'm not going to waste my time going into detail, but there are comments already online from another party which describes the UK Employment Tribunal system as a "Bonanza for Parasites". Let mt be brief and say I fully and completely subscribe to that opinion.


I could go on, trust me, I really could, the Council writes to my clients telling them I am unqualified to provide certain services, (I am supremely qualified). The same Council arbitrarily excludes my company from their 'approved' list of tenderers.


I have a different Council which awarded Planning Permission for a development at a site meeting of the Planning Committee, definitely approved by a show of hands and witnessed by myself and the client, only for the Committee to collude with the Planning Officer to re-write the approval as a deferral.


I could go on. My landlord couldn't tell the difference between the rent for a lockup garage and my flat, and for two years threatened me with eviction and all the usual reminders. They took me to court, and had to acknowledge I was actually over £1,000 in credit. Did I get an apology?


I could go on, trust me, I really could.... but I wont.



My country is diseased with sleaze and collusion, nepotism, prejudice and those who could and should, (and once upon a time did), take a moral stand to see injustice corrected are now in my opinion, endemically corrupt. I have no faith in the Legal system, or the Financial System, nor even the Government. I simply sit here working harder and harder, trying to pay my tax while I'm charged more and more and more for everything. In recent years, my country had riots in protest at the price of fuel. The price at that time was 89p a litre. Fuel is now between £1.35 and £1.40 a litre.



When I was young, I was as ardent a patriot as you were ever likely to meet. They only reason I am still living here is fear that the disease which has already consumed the dignity of my own country is already a global pandemic.




We should root out scum, starve it and leave it impoverished. In the UK we get rid of the rubbish by promoting it upwards.




Still believe in customer service? F____d if I do.

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Flyby, that describes perfectly what happens in my country too. And I'm sure we can extend to all Europe. We are ruled by the same class of parasites. We are working and being enslave to the same pimps. Some of them don't have a public face, but they are there, screwing us, finishing our small businesses, smashing our own ability for free enterprise, all in the name of greed.

Justice, which is the fundamental pillar of Democracy, is absent. Without it, Democracy cannot function. And what we're witnessing today, in our Western countries, is the death of democracy. And in whole we're guilty, due to our indifference and accommodation, these bags of pus come into power.

I'm afraid that hard times are coming. We all know where this will lead, if things don't change. And I don't believe it. The beast is uncontrolled.

Edited by Von Paulus

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All a bit worrying as I was headed over here to proudly announce my purchase of a new PC which will be my workhorse and pleasureboat for the next few years.... a Lenovo H420 i3...




Well, at least the spec's pretty good and for £330, it seems to me to be a bit of a steal.


Ho hum.

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As long as you haven't any issues, I'm sure it will be ok.

Test it very well.

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It's all relative.


Most I ever spent on a PC was £2,100, some 14 years ago now, which if I remember had 200Mb memory and a key to wind it up. Be lucky if I spend a quarter of that now on a machine which does so much more, and that quartered pricetag is in real terms not counting inflation etc...



I've never really liked laptops, nothing wrong in principle, but just not for me. They are just too delicate to survive very long in the yard or on the road, not unlike mobile phones, so I've never actually been tempted to buy a good one. We did have an IBM thing, I forget what it was called, but the buttons kept falling off. Didn't matter because we just got a permanent marker and wrote the letter on the plastic bit below and carried on regardless. Didn't look very pretty, but it hung in there for a couple of years. Towards the end it was more of a docking station for the Ipod, but then one day the hard drive was kaputski.


Maybe get another one some day when I've been in the sun too long, but I'm a bit nervous somebody will appear at the gate one day and threaten to prosecute me for cruelty to my laptops.

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