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Ground Objects and Threat libraries? :)

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Hey guys, after some time fiddling around with my highly modded SF2V Install, I decided to install ground objects. I downloaded dozens of ships, SAMS, Jeeps, BTR's etc.

The thing is, only SAM's and some tanks show up, but the BTR's and the ships do not show up AT ALL. I play antiship missions, but only the Cargo ship comes up...so I'm at a loss here!

Also,, sometime ago I read about updated threat libraries, to eliminate the <U> symbol when being tracked, any clues where I can find it? Thanks again guys!

btw modders, keep up the GREAT work, I've had countless hours of fun thanks to you guys!drinks.gif

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Yeah I read about that one before, but only one type of ship ALWAYS shows up! That pesky cargo ship...lol

Any clues as to why other ships do not take the "spotlight"?

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Hey guys, after some time fiddling around with my highly modded SF2V Install, I decided to install ground objects. I downloaded dozens of ships, SAMS, Jeeps, BTR's etc.

The thing is, only SAM's and some tanks show up, but the BTR's and the ships do not show up AT ALL. I play antiship missions, but only the Cargo ship comes up...so I'm at a loss here!

Also,, sometime ago I read about updated threat libraries, to eliminate the <U> symbol when being tracked, any clues where I can find it? Thanks again guys!

btw modders, keep up the GREAT work, I've had countless hours of fun thanks to you guys!drinks.gif


There's a topic on this very issue, but I think you're confusing "tanks" with Vulcans and the like... tanks don't have a radar.

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There's a topic on this very issue, but I think you're confusing "tanks" with Vulcans and the like... tanks don't have a radar.


Ahhhh I didn't make it clear! sorry for the misunderstanding!


I know tanks don't have a RADAR lol, I was asking for the updated threat libraries because I remember reading about it sometime ago (not the naval threat)

But could you point me to the thread with this very issue? I still can't get my Visby corvette, Admiral Kutznestov (bleh) and other ships I downloaded!



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Warships do not appear on randomly-generated missions, only cargo ships. However, this may change with the release of SF2NA. :grin:


You can always edit the ground object role of a warship to "cargoship", but I feel that it's best to simply script your own missions, to include the ship types that you desire to go up against.

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mmm I see what you mean...

so for the ObjectGroundRole=CaroShip would work for any given ship?dntknw.gif

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mmm I see what you mean...

so for the ObjectGroundRole=CaroShip would work for any given ship?dntknw.gif




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up to a point ... the old bugaboo of "4 Cargo ship types" still rears its ugly head occasionally. (meaning: the game will grab any of the first 4 ships classed as CargoShips from the GO folder, ignoring most others)*


for vehicular ground objects, one needs to check the GroundObjectRole= in the data ini. Many of the lighter AFV/IFVs are classed as "RECON", and don't come to play


CVs will also never show up on their own, unless placed via a scriped mission and they MUST be listed in the _types.ini for the terrain, as would all GOs; ships, vehicles, AFV, tanks, sams & their associated radars, etc. At this point, carriers are still unvulnerable, and therefore useless are 'targets' -unless cloned to a destroyable state.


also, don't forget that unmodified, SF2V "ends" in 1982, thereby automatically eliminating anything with StartServiceYear= later than that.


*one wonders if there's a GroundObjectList.lst, like the aircraft, that could be editated??*

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