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Capitaine Vengeur

70 years ago: Operation Cerberus/ Donnerkeil

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Editorial in The Times of London: "Vice Admiral Ciliax has succeeded where the Duke of Medina Sidonia failed. Nothing more mortifying to the pride of our seapower has happened since the seventeenth century. [...] It spelled the end of the Royal Navy legend that in wartime no enemy battle fleet could pass through what we proudly call the English Channel."

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Truly a sad day for the Royal navy.

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It was an amazing feat, so full of coïncidences, sheer good- and bad luck. Stirred up a lot of Luftwaffe activity in our country too.....

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Emden, Schanhorst...those ships had their stories printed in History

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It was Galland's first big ops if I'm not mistaken... though the low cloud-ceiling really helped keeping the air powers at bay... It really was fated to be!

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