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Doing It For Real

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Yesterday, I went flying for the first time. I went up in a Cessna 172 with my girlfriend (who bought me a discovery flight as a birthday present.)

What a girl!

Edited by Hauksbee

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Congratulations ! You can be proud of doing this giant, and still magic, step. I personaly do it at St-Barths rwy 10 in 2006, I got 14 years old at this time. Our first flights will stay in our memories forever, a strange mix of excitement and pleasure, the slight rise of stress on final, that little hand shaking on the yoke, looking straight at the runway number while alternating with the instruments.

But you summary it better in this testimony.

Again, well done ! ok.gif

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Outstanding Soppy! Next time you must try it in an open cockpit. You will be hooked for life.



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Sounds like you had a great time. Are you going to follow up with more lessons? Does Emily share your passion for flight she sounds like she might be a keeper!:good:

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Congrats, Capt!


So what did Emily get for her reward for such a fantastic birthday gift?


I know, I know. Here I am in the gutter after reading about your great time in the heavens!

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I said it before, and now again: I ENVY YOU for that girl! They are not often made that way, you know?

You lucky man!


Congrats on your first flight, Captain! I a small aircraft even much better than on a big one.

I have once got invited by a former manager, to fly in a two-seated saiplane with him. It had a VWW engine,

so it could start without a wind-up. The seats were shoulder to shoulder, so it felt a bit narrow, but I did not

feel any vertigo, like I do on high buildings. At 4000 Meter, he even let me fly three full circles and an "S"

curve. A great event for me!

Edited by Olham

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Check out the local Airports for rides on days arround the 4th of July ( here in the USA) where if you help out a free ride in a PT-17 can be had as you reward for helping out for those few days. One very cool airplane.


That always happens at the air show days in Steamboat Springs Colorado arround the 4th of July. The last few years they have also had a B-25, and a TBF.


I can remember my first one in a BT-13 after helping the pilot wash it allong with some other work. That was in 1952.

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Best decision ive made in my short 32 years here on this planet we call earth. Taking the plunge and getting my pilots license!



Welcome to the club Capt. Those lucky few who have "broken the surly bonds of earth, and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings."



Sounds to me like you've also found a keeper in that woman of yours. :grin:

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Amazing experience, amazing Story...and an Amazing Girl!...great stuff m8 :drinks:

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Amazing experience, amazing Story...and an Amazing Girl!...great stuff m8 :drinks:


That is awesome!


I can share your excitement. My girlfriend bought me a ride in an AT-6 WWII advanced trainer for an hour for my birthday. It was awesome - I did loops, rolls, split S all by myself flying front seat while the instructor pilot flew back seat. He did the take off and landing but other than that I flew the rest of the flight. That girlfriend is now my wife of 12 years and we have two kids so watch out for where you are headed..... maybe it's a diamond for her birthday!!!


I would love to fly in a bi-plane open cockpit!

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good show!.....careful, considerate writing too. Takes a lot to draw others into such a personal experience without seeming maudlin or trite. You totally engaged this reader at least with your own experience and yet managed a nod to your pilot and your honey who made the whole thing posible to begin with. The ability to write one's trans-formative moments is rare.....good for you...and your gal!

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Thanks for the compliments guys! I'm so glad you enjoyed reading my write up on my adventures. And as for Emily? Yes, she is, without doubt, a keeper. I even showed her the thread... I think she was flattered to see herself spoken of so highly. It really was a great day. I'm back to the grind of working and all I can think about is getting back up there... and then spending more time with her.


You old romantic you! :rofl:

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Well, he isn't old yet? But definitely a romantic through and through! :grin:

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