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Perhaps a different OFF oddity will help, LIMA.




Too late. Much, much too late.

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LIMA, I saw that one coming from three threads over. :rofl:




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A doctor writes:


Here we see the typical symptoms of OFF2 Deprivation Syndrome as they manifest in

the florid stage of the derangement.


Common characteristics are entreaties and propitiatory acts towards imaginary beings

called "Devs" to whom the sufferers attribute semi-divine powers.


In terms of eschatology, patients all look to the imminent arrival of OFF2 to usher in

an era of unprecedented contentment shooting the enemy to pieces.


As a palliative I would prescribe a course of P3 for the early stages of the

condition, but nothing can done for the poor sods posting here.:grin:


Nurse, the screens !

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