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Landing at Isafjordur!

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Landing at Isafjordur!

Its amazing how accurate the terrain has been modeled though. :yikes:


I'm still trying to fly the same approach without success ............. :this:


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Whats the first a\c sounds like a fokker? or maybe a Dash? summat o9r other.?

Edited by russouk2004

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Wow cool! I landed an F-4E there, with alot of drama and stopping 20m from the end of the runway. That's definitely small plane or Harrier territory.

Edited by arthur666

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Here's a great video of another landing:


Only landed once here, ordered my wingman to RTB and followed him back. He came straight in from the East side I think, overland above the fyord. We had plenty of power w/ our Vipers thats how he managed to survive a pullup as he found himself sinking badly...


I really like the place and will be trying the approaches from the videos. Hope to populate the surroundings a bit more sometime in the future. :good:

Edited by PureBlue

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Looking at photos & videos it seems that in real life runway 08 is used for both take off & landing.

It makes scense as using runway 08 you can maneuver tightly with airspeed on approach & able to make a gentle climbout to the left during takeoff.


However the game seats up flights in the opposite direction on runway 26.

AI always attempt to climb straight out unable to clear the terrain looming ahead of them. :blink:

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All runways in the game can be used both ways to takeoff/land. There is no way to define a certain runway heading or direction to be solely used. I've seen AI take off from 08, and depending which way their next waypoint is, they either make it out of the fyord or become fodder on the hills... I guess we're gonna have to live with that.


here's my landing with a Transall. Sure was pretty fun.









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Wow nice flying!


Even though SF will always be a ‘sim-light’ focused on combat, I’m so pleased we can enjoy some fun real life experiences now .

I’ve been exploring a little & there are some fantastic real life valleys to fly through & hide in. I just wish my in flight map worked so I can remember where they are.


I can’t wait to see what the community are able to do with the new terrain engine.

A mod for placing some steam/smoke on Eyjafjallajokul & geothermal sites on the island would be great.

Hoping roads & a basic shore line will be able to be implamented at some point or on new third party terrains at least.


Off to emulate your approach with out crashing. :grin:

Edited by steelflanker

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Steel, looks like you're hot and high.


Try a little slower and less bank - that'll make stuff easier!


Fly a constant AoA (fly the indexer!) and try regulyting sinkrate with power. :good:

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That new terrain engine for SF2 looks real poorly!!! :dntknw:

It's more like a step back I'd say, where is the coastline on the terrain???

Looks like an early '90s game like that.


My best regards, Kodiak.

Edited by Kodiak

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Landing at Isafjordur!

Its amazing how accurate the terrain has been modeled though. :yikes:




Was out of gas in an F-14 and tried to land their having no idea it was so short - had to eject before it went into the water

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That new terrain engine for SF2 looks real poorly!!! :dntknw:

It's more like a step back I'd say, where is the coastline on the terrain???

Looks like an early '90s game like that.


My best regards, Kodiak.


Pretty sure the cosmetic appearance in those screenshots does not show the limits of what can be done with this new terrain Engine!

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steam vents ...


wouldn't be hard .... take a small object, very small and unobtrusive (sp?) like oildrum1 (or even with NoLod), give it an effect (ship smoke is too dark -- maybe LargeSAMTrail) place it where you want and it'll 'emit'. Same as was done by Gepard for the Reactor Cooling Towers.


I guess nobody noticed the ever-lasting Springfield Tire Fire on the CenUS map?


as to the new terrain engine ... I refuse to comment or state my opinion

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Easy. I stick the landing every time...







...as long as I'm flying a P-51. :P

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