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weapon loads inconsistancies

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I just dont get this, why do weapons loadouts work on some aircraft, then not on others, it is a most frustrating and actually very annoying problem, I seem to spend more time messing about with files than actually flying......( bit like real life on a fighter squadron I suppose :grin: ) I have been pestering poor old Steven1918 over the Anatara, trying to load her up with some grenades, but will it happen ?.....That would be a big fat no then !! then other A/C the spad for example, loadouts work on one of 'em, but not the other, the ini's are all pretty much the same, but it seems to have a mind of its own when it comes to this problem.....and yes, before anybody screams at me, I know there is a sticky in the forums that deals with this type of problem, and , yes I have read it, however, it dont always work chaps !!! so can ANYONE gimmie a clue WHAT to do ( The Sweet, Ballroom Blitz :rofl: )before I go arrrrrgh again, when I cant select a loaded on weapon, therefore nullifiying the mission ( I cant just strafe, I get my azz shredded :yikes: ) The floor is yours Ladies and Gentlemen :idea::idea::idea:

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Which game are you talking about, FE1 or FE2 ??? Second, have you read the SF1 or SF2 Knowledge Bases yet ???


FE1 is based on SF1, so the SF1 Knowledge Base applies to FE1 and FE2 is based on SF2, so the SF2 Knowledge Base applies to FE2. When you read these Knowlege Bases, they will tell you what you have to do the add weapons to your specific aircraft and get them to work.

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Well, the Anatra is a very bad example. It has NO weapon stations. No weapon stations, no weapons. It's like giving Sidewinders to a Cessna. No pylons, no missiles.

Anatras were pure recon planes, so no payload is historically correct. You can use it as Armed Recon plane or close air support plane. Never as a bombing plane. You have a machine gun for these missions.

If you like to add grenades you have to make a weapon station by youself. Take a look to some DATA.ini of different planes. These grenade-capable have a weapon station for grenades.

If you want a Russian bomber, use the Voisin instead, (but you'll lose your machine gun then).

Edited by ojcar

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As I said in my original post, and I quote "and yes, before anybody screams at me, I know there is a sticky in the forums that deals with this type of problem, and , yes I have read it, however, it dont always work chaps !!! " So been there done that, it does not explain why some A/C which are stock by the way, refuse to take weapons, I have tried reinstalling etc etc.

As for the Anatra, Steveen1918, has been trying to get this to work with grenades, he even wrote an additional weapons loadout for me, but still no joy. Stumps me, I have tried trmoving the weapons dat file, I have tried using the weapons editor, everything, am getting really frustrated, probably down to me missing something, that is why I am asking for advice, 'cos this is a bit of a head scratcher :blink:

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Trotski00 and I have been exchanging messages for about a week. I've been trying to coach him through adding grenades to the AnatraDS. I even made a new _data.ini with weapons stations, a _loadout.in, and a new ini file for the plane. I'm wondering if his version is heavily modded and if that's somehow causing the problem he's having.


I have attached a zip file with the files I made. Can somebody try these out on their computer and see if they work? They work fine on my FE1. Your help would be appreciated.



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I'm not screaming at anybody, mate. I made all Stephen1918 FMs, so I think I can help you. Well, I think I should make a little tutorial for you.


-Open the DATA.ini


-Go for the [Fuselage]. At the end of it you should have the SystemName[xxx], where xxx are numbers. You should have them in correct order.


-Add SystemName[xxx]=GrenadeLauncher, where xxx are numbered in correct order


-Create a [GrenadeLauncher] in Weapon Stations (after Internal Guns). They are grenades or little bombs throwed by the plane crew, so as attachement possition I suggest to copy the observer or pilot position. You can copy and paste some things from another grenade armed plane (like the Albatros DIII) and edit when needed. I'll do it for you this time (for the Anatra).





















-Save it


-Go to your loadout file (I'm sure you have created one) and copy this:










-Save it.


-Go to your AnatraDS.ini and be sure that you have this line LoadoutFile=whatevetthenameyouareusingfortheloadout.ini


I think it should work now....but they are effective very near the target. You'll be closer than straffing your target if you want to destroy anything.

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yeah I got it to work 1st try. I made my own version using the 20lbs cooper bomb. I would start with a fresh install of the aircraft in question in case some precious attempts have mucked things up.

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ok guys, gonna give it a try, sorry if I am being a little thick, but it is my first attempts at making changes to a flight sim myself, and the old brain aint as sharp as it used to be either......blah blah blah....excuses excuses excuses hehehehehe, seriously though fellah's, mucho obligato for your patience with me, Oh and Ocjar mate, I didnt aim the comment about being screamed at at you , it was directed to Mr Red, as he obviously hadnt read what I actually said in the initial post.....sarcastic bugger aint I ?....it is all part of being English, it is inbred in us....sarcam that is.....not stupidity errrrrm....waffling now, so gonna go and play with these ideas :drinks::drinks::drinks::drinks:

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Oh by the way, just to say, I am using the Anatra as a test bed for these experimental mods, because I think she is a lovely aeroplane to play with, as well as fly, the old saying if they look right then they are right, is a very true statement !!!

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well, I have done EXACTLY what you have shown me, both you Ocjar, and Stephen1918, but STILL no joy !! I also checked on the DIII.....and that doesnt allow me to select weapons either, and that is a stock aircraft !!!.......I also added Stephens most excellent DH niner in, but those beauties DO have the weapons, both showing and selectable, and droppable........please please please dont tell me I need to reinstall YET AGAIN !!!

I know that arming the Anatra is not really imperative, however, as I have said before, I am using her as a test bed, so to go back to my original question, why are the weapon loads working on some A/C ( which are unmodded stock ones as well as thirdparty )there has to be a glitch in the system somewhere that is causing this to occur, but I am damned if I know where that gremlin is residing, not asking you guys to fix it for me per se, but any ideas where the problem could possibly be so I can try and figure it out myself


Again I would like to thank you all for your patience with a middle aged thick bloke :blink:

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Sorry, but sarcasm ain't gonna get you help.

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Sarcasm ???....I wasnt actually being sarcastic, only pointing out that sometimes people dont actually read the post, and they make comments that are not helpful in the slightest, as for me refering to sarcasm, I was actually joking, igf you read the post correctly, taking the mickey out of myself actually......so I am sorry to say this, but your comment is a bit out of order, enough said !!!

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You accuse others of not reading, but you do not either, because you have still not answered the FIRST question that I asked you !!! That question is do you have FE1 or FE2, because that makes a BIG difference on how weapons are assigned in the game.

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Dude...it is FE1, and I am not accusing anyone of anything at all, I stated....in very good, and very clear English, that I had ALREADY looked at the forums that you so kindly mentioned, and that I CANNOT find anything pertinent in those afore mentioned forums, anyway, this is ridiculous, I refuse to enter into a silly argument about whether or not anyone read posts properly or not, it is counter productive, and making comments such as this do not solve the issue in question, so if you have a reasonable suggestion to give me, then I shall be most appreciative.So Mr Red, and Mr Heck, if you are quite finished, please feel free to offer constructive suggestions, and let us get back to the issue in hand. Thank you !!!

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I think you are missing something, because whitenight06604 has followed the instructions and has the grenades working...

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no I did exactly as you said on the tin, I am going to try a couple of other things first, and I shall get back to you mate :drinks:

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About 3 minutes of work later


Well, compare these files with yours....


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Have you changed your weapons data file? If loadouts are working for some planes and not others, it could be that the game isn't always finding the weapon. If you have a weapondate.ini file in your Objects folder, try moving it out and playing the game. If the stock planes get their loadouts back, then you know the problem was in the weapons data.



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yay...at last, sorted it out, thanks guys, what it was, it looks like I had 2 WeaponData files, one that I had run trough the weapons editor, and sved as is the norm, what I had failed to realise was that the one in the cat file, was at odds with mine, I assumed that my file would automaticaly overwrite the one in the cat file, so I re extracted it, and used it as the master file and merged my file in to it, and it is all correct now, bloody silly oversight on my behalf, but hey with your wonderful help, I have learnt something , cant thank you all enough !!!!

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