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OT- Unexpected Find

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My wife's father passed away a couple of weeks ago and it was our task to go through his belongings and remove them from his house in preparation of selling it. This man's hobby was restoring old tractors and I don't think he ever threw anything away. As he said you never know when you might need that widget. There were boxes of screws, nuts and bolts and tractor parts everywhere. I was tasked with going down into the cellar to lug stuff up from there, noone else wanted to go down there because of the cobwebs that were all over. I saw a picture frame on the wall but due to the darkness I couldn't tell what was in it. The frame was old and falling apart so I gently took it down and brought it upstairs. To my surprise this is what it was.


I took the above picture of it, the writing on it says:

401322 Private Sidney Drew

4th Canadian Mounted Rifles

Served with honour and was disabled in the Great War

Honourably discharged on February 19th 1917

George R.T.

This was my wife's grandfather and the odd thing is nobody had ever mentioned that he was a veteran of WW1. I don't think many of them even knew about it.

I plan on taking it to the local museum at Fort Malden and see if they want to display it. Barring that I will take to the local branch of The Royal Canadian Legion.



Edited by Typhoon

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They were made of stern stuff, some of these grand-granddads.

I guess it was a special feeling, that moment when you saw what you had found down there in the cellar.

All the last 90 year it may have been hanging there.

I hope, somewhere they can display it - if not, you should keep it and give it a better place than a cellar.

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Fantastic find. I must admit (perhaps I'm too selfish) that I might give a copy to be displayed, but I think I'd keep the original in the family treasury! Good on you! But reversing my scenario, you could make a good copy for the family before passing it on...






eta: And note the penmanship! Some US schools aren't even teaching cursive handwriting anymore!

Edited by HumanDrone

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Really wonderful image, Typhoon. Thank you for preserving and sharing such a personal treasure.



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