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Luftschiff Zeppelin 63...up close and too personal

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I've been testing the L63 (LZ63?) and when I fly it all the Zeps in the formation are huddled in so close and tight they over lap each other. Surely they werent that worried about enemy fighters?

Any solutions to making them all keep an appropriate distance apart? I know the Kaiser doesnt condone this sort of hippy-love-in behaviour from his combat forces.


Cheers, Grinseed

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Well I've tried many times to get the Zeps to be farther apart too. I even created a new nation in the "Nations.ini" and called it "German Zeppelin". So in the L63's data.ini the nation name should be changed to German Zeppelin. In that new nation I called the formation type "Bomber3". And in the "Formations.ini" I created a [formation_type] called "Bombers3" and set up the x,y,and z coordinates to spread out the Zeps in the formation. 1 squadron, 1 flight and 1 element (trying to create just one Zep to appear). I've tried to do this with other aircraft aswell. No matter what 1 to 2 aircraft will appear randomly even if the Formation.ini calls for 1 aircraft in the formation. Just the way TK programed it I guess. I hope you follow what I'm saying. If you want to fly the L63, in the loadout menu just delet the other L63's in your flight so you will be the only L63. If you want my data that I explained above I'll send it to you. But even if the L63's are AI they will randomly be 1 or 2 max. But when there is 2 they're stacked ontop of eachother. Nothing I can do about that...I think. I've tried doing the new nation thing w Verner Voss' triplane. So if I fly for the RAF i could possibly see a lone Tripe that would have Voss' custom skin. I could create a start and end date for the new (Voss) nation. But I cant get just one Tripe to appear all the time when I edit the new Formation.ini. again nomatter what 1 to 2 planes will appear randomly. So sometime I would come across two Verner Voss Triplanes. Kind of defeats the purpose. I'm still trying to figure something out to get one aircraft to appear for the Zeppelin and any solo pilots out there.

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For Armchair Aces I have made Zeppelin units with a plane only. I think they work, but I haven't tested them very much (Zeppelins had a very limited use as tactical bombers at the start of Verdun battle)

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The L63 Zeppelin model is really simple, it looks really bad.


We need a better zeppelin, at least one with damage model (stephen1918 could be the answer to my prayers)

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Thank you gentlemen for your responses.

Quack I follow what you mean (I think lol), but pls dont trouble yourself sending me data. I never really was that interested in flying Zeps, even though I prefer flying bombers. I see the airships as targets more than rides.


Cheers Grinseed

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