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Epic Followup A-6E film!

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Check this out if you liked Ironroad's F-14 flick!






Good stuff, pre A-6E TRAM days!


Found mooar, btw :yikes:



Hopefully Youtube and/or the copyright holders see the educational and historical value in these films and leaves them up. I have seen a lot of these great films come an go on Youtube, especially a lot of the old Cold War era films, as they proactively pull them and and delete the accounts for fear of copyright claims.

Edited by ironroad

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IIRC, for Sea Legs and F-14 ACM, it was Grumman Aerospace Corporation that made these films (I've got those two and a few more on a DVD I got from Tomcat Sunset). So I would think now it is Northrop Grumman that is the copyright holder. I should certainly hope they wouldn't care about bits of history being posted!


EDIT: Love the A-6 movie, especially the interviews with the FACs ("We know we can defeat a MiG-17 just by out running the son of a bitch!" :lol: ).

Edited by Caesar

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