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Confirmation timeline question

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I am probably missing something simple.


Unfortunately, my time only allows me to play OFF about 1-2 times a week. I currently have 7 active pilots, with each one having claims (1 to 11)submitted. None of them show any confirmed victories yet, however, when reviewing the claim reports in detail, several indicate that they do indeed have confirmed claims (as well as some rejected and pending).


Once a claim has been confirmed, should it show up in the pilot's record right away, or does it still take some time to go thru 'official channels' before it gets posted?

(Maybe I need to just play more - haha)

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Best thing to do is note the date, as at the default settings you often do 2-3 missions a day so "world time" is moving slowly although your missions are racking up ;)


Or you can reduce campaign mission frequency in workshop.


It can take several days or sometimes weeks for the results to come in. You could in workshop set auto/manual time advance this gives you a button to click to move the campaign on a day at a time (missing on current missions of course) but you can use it to test or simulate going on leave etc.


There's a section on better claims and this



1.2) Game Play Hints



4) Claims for kills

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Thanks for that explanation which does make sense.


I did go back and check the flight times/dates and observed that they are mostly made on the same day or shortly thereafter. What seems like a few months to me is really only a few days in OFF time. I just need to fly more often.



I did notice something very odd, however, when checking the claim details on each pilot. All of the last recorded flights of each pilot are the last ones listed sequentially, but each pilot also had detailed flights of aircraft and countries not associated with them listed first. For example, Pilot A flying an SE5a with Great Britain had 5 flights with 4 claims registered. His claims detail page shows the details of the 4 claims made, but there are also other claims from different pilots, such as Pilot B from Germany flying an Albatros D.II. All of my pilots show this oddity.


Any idea on what that may have happened there?

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Ok, I see what is happening.


The "Claims Registered" page is retaining all information ever entered for whatever pilot may have had that position in the past. For instance, I created a new pilot tonite (No 9). His flight log page shows that he has had no flight as of yet, which is correct. However, if I hit the "View Claims" button for him, which should be blank as he has not yet flown any missions, I get a claims history for all of my previous pilots that have occupied the NO 9 spot in the past, before they were either retired, killed or deleted when I had to reset CFS or OFF in the past.


Is this normal and is there anyway to delete those older claims histories from prior pilots without deleting anything from the current pilot who now occupies the NO 9 spot? (or No's 2-8)

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Not sure Aroth not been reported before as far as I know. You can always try delete all pilots from workshop, and make a fresh one and see.

Also make sure you have updated to the latest patches (see FAQ for help on that).

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