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Quick question on HARM's was having a play around last time with SF2 Desert Storm and I fired a Harm and it might as well have gone into Low earth orbit, last time I fired one it tracked the nearest Radiating Radar and aimed at it now it zooms up into low earth orbit like the AIM-54... and just fly's over the map hitting nothing... I am updated to the April 2012 update any ideas or have the ARM'S be re-programmed ?

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well first don't fly under RORSATs and the HARM wont try to go to orbit....... :lol:

seriously tho, you may wish to compare the stock AGM-78 ini's with the Harm and see whats different other than minor numbers.

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Well tried it again with Shrikes and Harms and looks like the Harm setup is goosed... what do I need to change to fix it ? Sorry I am not a modder outside of playing around with Campaigns and adding stuff...

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Have you tried the stock AGM-78 Standards?


Eric Howes

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Have you tried the stock AGM-78 Standards?


Eric Howes

Hi Eric no not yet... Just trial and error on the Missiles... will give it a try later tomorrow night sleep and work intrude... but hey its fun finding out that your wall to wall Harm F-4G going to kill SAM's is not going to cut it... :blink:

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One other question: how are you firing the HARMs? Are you waiting for a SAM radar to lock you up? Are selecting the actual radar unit, or are you simply unleashing a HARM in the general direction of the radar?


Eric Howes

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Okay I am back Sleep can wait... okay replaced the data from Guidance Type down and now it works as it should... found the problem though now that I have compared the AGM-78 and it is in the Loft Angle as it is set to 10 on the Harms... tried changing that one and it now operates goes straight of the rail like a sparrow and then drops down on the Radar...


As to firing I have done it as a point and shoot as that's how I am used to firing them before Lock ups seem to be fine and as to waiting on the SAM Radar to lock me up tried it with it painting me but not locking me up as they seems to be an issue with SAM's wanting to fire at me... but will need to check the later when I have a bit more time...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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That's strange, because the stock AGM-78s are also set up with a loft angle of 10. The Shrikes, by contrast, have no loft angle.


Eric Howes

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Okay did another test baiting the SAM's SA-8 and a Roland Radar and they fired on me easy enough and the Harm works as advertised after switching the Loft back to 0 they fly out 1 mile or so and then guide in perfectly...


Not fired any Standards of late though...


Happy now as I now know how to work the HARM's just lofting them doesn't seem to work on my setup... may have to try taking a look at a HARM in one of the Weapon packages... I will take a look into it later on as well to see if the Standards do the same thing... along with the Alarm's


Thanks for the Help Eric and guys...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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I'm starting to suspect that the entire Lofted/LoftAngle/DescentAngle combo of settings is buggy -- at least when applied to user-fired ARMs. AI seem to use these missiles with a good deal of success. With players, though, the picture is different.


There were complaints just after the release of SF2 that the lofted AGM-78s weren't working, so I took the loft values off them. But I later did some testing, esp. watching AI pilots use them, and concluded that whatever problems there were had been fixed. It appears that was a mistaken conclusion.


I'll simply take the loft values off the back off the ARMs that have them -- including the AGM-78s. That's a shame, because most ARMs after the Shrike are supposed to be lofted -- much higher in some cases than the lofted ARMs in SF2.


Eric Howes

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Don't know what the problem is Slarti but I have no issues with HARMs... might be just my setup as opposed to yours but I keep the nose pointed downward to the targeted radar and then shoot and kill.

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Hi Eric I am using a 4 Pack install with just the Desert Storm addon I think what I was missing was the Point in General direction and shoot option... especially when going up against a SAM Site I couldn't lock up... but after an hours testing last night I seem to be back to were I am used to seeing it...

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