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Super Hornets V 2.2 Update

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Hello All,


Long story short, I can't get anything on the HUD except a gunsight. Anything jump out that I should check first.



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That is probably because they are set up for SF2NA, i.e. set up to use F-14 avionics.dll and you are not playing SF2NA. Had the same issue in my SF2E patched up to the latest patch. So in the aircraft ini file, just replace the text for F-14 avionics dll with Avionics70.dll.

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Nope, all jets were setup for Avionics70.dll, the 2.2 update only changed the models and skin format. If you're getting a gunsight then you need to check the Avoinics... did you port the Sf1 version to SF2 by any chance Spiff?

Edited by EricJ

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Eric I downloaded update and indeed they are setup for F-14 avionics.dll

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Copied straight from the FA-18E.ini from a freshely downloaded 2.2 pack: AvionicsDLL=AvionicsF14A.dll

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True, but that shouldn't be a HUD issue, I think that Spiff is using the SF1 version, NOT the SF2 version, which accounts for the HUD problem. I use the AvionicsF14 and get a full HUD, as here:


If he doesn't have SF2NA, then he should just change the line to Avionics70.dll and things will work. IF he changes it and he still has problems, he needs to


But that shouldn't be a HUD issue, I think that Spiff is using the SF1 version, NOT the SF2 version, which accounts for the HUD problem. I use the AvionicsF14A.dll and get a full HUD, as here:


Edited by EricJ

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In any case, Spiff just change to Avionics70.dll, if YOU STILL have a gunsight issue, then you need to open the aircraft AVIONICS.ini file, find the appropriate section, copy and paste, and save:


































Edited by EricJ

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First off, I don't have a pit like that; but Svetlin was on because I had the F14avionics.dll listed. Changed that to 70 problem solved; I'm running merged SF2:VEI NOV 2011.

Second, I wanted to ask someone to explain what FC was talking about in the 2.2 readme when he mentioned the canopyglass.tga being used to define hud color; how do you do that?

Third, I get a strange graphics glitch on the bugs; the backs of some of the weps pylons and the hole for the cannon have like the old TV static in black and gray on them and it's moving; 2.2 seems to have fixed the pylons but the nose is still there when the light shines in; just FYI. I thought it was tied to the spinning engine animation but have not investigated it further.


Last, thanks and the bugs are great as always, forgot to mention I'm just using the F model right now.



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On the top left is the HUD glass (external view) and the first two rectangles (going from left to right are:


Inside (facing towards pilot)

Outside: (facing towards nose)


Next to the right is the large glass, and it's similar:


Inside (facing towards pilot)

Outside: facing towards nose)


Below that is the E rear portion of the canopy


Below that is the F full canopy, to include the forward half of the cockpit windshield


The circle is the projector


The rectangle on the far right of the image is the screen door on the main gear door. The top half is the outside of the screen, the bottom half is the inside.


Attached is my current work in progress, but you'll see it when you either put it in the specific aircraft skin folder, or as Brain32 said, in the aircraft main folder. But you edit the file in Photoshop as a PSD and then save as a .tga file, and you get the result in the clipped shot I have:



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Without it in front of me, I'm assuming you're describing the template, but I have no experience using them. Thanks for the info and I'll check it out.



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Yep, but to edit it you have to do it in layers rather than saving with the template layer "active", or you'll get the template colors on the canopy.

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But a better way to do it, is to open the file I uploaded, and then put the template "above" or "below" as a layer for the colors. Color it how you want it and then deactivate the template layer, and save as a PSD so you can keep your work somewhere. Then you can save the file as a .tga (with the Alpha layer there) and then it should work fine.

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