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3rd Party sounds don't you know...sound!

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I noticed, yesterday I think, that none of the 3rd party cannon sounds (gsh630, 20MM, 20mm, etc) work any more! Only the stock sounds! However my sound folder isn't modified...so i'm at a loss hereyikes.gif


Any clues?

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perhaps the names/entries in the .INIs have changed?

Edited by RadPig94

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Not really no, because they randomly stopped working...dntknw.gif

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are they listed in your SoundsList.ini, located in the /Flight folder?

Are the wavs existent in your /Sounds folder?


only enigne sounds don't need entries; all others need adding to the soundlist.ini

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No, Wrench, that´s right, mine doesn´t work too, maybe Fubar can give us more Light here, i tought just mine were porked, but now i see i´m not the only.

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No, Wrench, that´s right, mine doesn´t work too, maybe Fubar can give us more Light here, i tought just mine were porked, but now i see i´m not the only.


I think it has to do with the soundlist.ini... What I'm gonna do is copy over the soundlist ini from the gun pak found here at combat ace, to see if that fixes the issue!

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For me it's just the engine sounds that stop working frequently, major annoyance!

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engine sounds (yes, even stock) dropping out is a know issue, and has been reported. It ain't fixed yet, obviously cause I get it too.


I think it has to do with the soundlist.ini


ain' that what I said at the start?? :lol:

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Happened to my installation when I made a separate install for the Falklands mod.Check if you have two folders named 'sound' and 'sounds' in your mod folder.Renaming the sound folder to sounds may fix the problem.(or vice-versa)

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engine sounds (yes, even stock) dropping out is a know issue, and has been reported. It ain't fixed yet, obviously cause I get it too.



ain' that what I said at the start?? :lol:


JAJAJAJA True that!

Well, re-pasting over the soundlist ini didn't work....


So what now? I add the sound "Vulcan" and "Cannon" to every gun?!lol.gif


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well, check the individual data inis, making sure they're listed, and might have to extract and rebuild the soundlist.ini

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well, check the individual data inis, making sure they're listed, and might have to extract and rebuild the soundlist.ini


The thing is, wrench, that I'm using a soundlist.ini I downloaded from this site!

All sounds in my sound folder (gun sounds) are found in the soundlist.ini, with their corresponding entries...

I'm at a loss here... It was JUST working a couple of days ago...dntknw.gif




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