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Does anyone know what causes this decal problem?

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Does anyone know what's causing this problem with decals?


I'm re-decaling the tail of a plane. I'm using the exact decal.ini entries for both sides to number the tail of the plane. The left side is good, but the right side seems to have a reversed, distorted set of numbers as well. It only happens with decal level = 2 (Numbers). If I place something else there, such as insignia or nation name, it's o.k. It seems to be just the stock decal numbers that do this and only on the right side.


Right Side. Left Side.


I suspect a mesh problem but don't know enough about mesh/lod's to make an educated guess as to what the problem is. I'm stumped.

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might help to know what plane; some of the very old modles DO have mesh issues

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Which plane has this issue?

I think COCAS is right, there is something wrong with the LOD model and this you cant change. But perhaps you can try to move the position of the numbers a little bit to an other direction (10 cm to the nose or so) and then take a look wheter it will look better.

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It's the DAT P-59B. Old plane. If it can't be fixed. I've already done an alternate decal scheme. Guess I can just use that.



Edited by GearyMcS

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Airacomet wouldn't have gotten BuzzNumbers anyway; they were out of service before they into use, replaced by ShootingStars. As the Real World ™ aircraft offered nothing over conventional pistion-driven fighers (read: P51D/H), and the range was CONSIDERABLY shorter (around 150 nm radius)... well,.....


so, easy answer: set them for marking pre-Oct 1947 (star-and-bar, no stripe), serials only on tail fin, no BzNums; perhaps individual plane-in-group numbers on nose; that'd be about it.

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Yeah, I know. Just that I had it in my Korea install and didn't have much of a purpose, so I converted it into a fictional, operational CAS plane. Comes with three .50 cal machine guns and a 37MM cannon. Added rocket pods. Shame to have it sitting in a junk yard doing nothing when it can be repurposed into a decent close air support early jet.

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