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F-4EJ skin pack

This is a package of high-resolution skins including authentic serial numbers and patches for the F-4EJ and F-4EJ Kai created by my friend and Phantom expert Nengajou Aki. Nineteen different skins from ten different squadrons are included.

These skins may be used with the Mirage Factory F-4EJ pack (http://combatace.com...4ej-super-pack/), and are also compatible with the ThirdWire DLC version with minor adjustments.


Every major JASDF squadron to fly the Phantom is represented here, some separated by year, with the greatest and most realistic detail possible. These are large skins, so resize them or convert them to jpeg or dds if you need to.

Note: You may notice that serial numbers are not restricted by squadron. This is intentional, as aircraft frequently change squadrons within the JASDF.


Optional files are included such as data.ini (mostly for custom engine sounds and pilots), avionics.ini (gun angle tweak), and loadout.ini (including naval strike ASM setups). Sundowner has given permission to overwrite original versions of these files.

Entries for JASDF squadrons missing from the stock Squadronlist.ini are also available. Please add them manually or look for the latest community updates in the "SF2 Realism Mod" thread at CombatAce.





Original F-4EJ & EJ Kai by Mirage Factory

SF2 model by bpao

Tweaks and additional heavy modeling details by Sundowner

Skins by Sundowner

Screens by USAFMTL

Orginal pit by Bunyap


Extended squadron list by Daddyairplanes


New skins, hangar screens, data tweaks by Nengajou Aki

Additional weapons by WBS


Nengajou and WBS would especially like to thank Sundowner, as without his templates these mods would not be possible


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WBS, beautiful stuff, only thing is the Sounds folder needs to be on the same level as (alongside) the Objects folder, not inside it. :blind: Once I figured out why I had no sound after the burners cut off, it was all good. (Real good).

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