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Is there any way to replace the stock callsigns (Gopher, Tuna, Kingfish, etc) with others? Is there any .ini file that has to be edited for that reason?



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Its possible, but you must also edit the sound files. Otherwise you have diverences between the spoken callsign and the written one.

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Its possible, but you must also edit the sound files.


Well, I can edit later the sound files but for now I need to know how to replace the callsigns. Can you explain in which way is possible?

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extract the speech folder, and list to all the wav to find out which is which. there should also be a speechlist of some kind, but I dont' remember where it located

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Actually there is a SpeechText.srt located in Speech.cat which includes the callsigns which appear in the subtitles and not on the info box on the down-left.


I can replace the callsign only in instant action by editing the InstantAction.ini but I don't know hot to do it in single missions.

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In the Classified Mission Mod I created I was able to change the callsigns by editng several files, but I don't remember offhand which ones they were...



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I installed the classified mod in an effort to understand which files should be edited to make other callsigns appear.

There is a file called Callsignus.ini which includes the callsigns. I edited it and now I can choose the callsign I like in single missions but I think this file is not included in the stock game.

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Is there a way to get a static callsign, one that is assigned to my flight ALWAYS instead of randomly assigned? If so, then I can create my own callsign, speech and subtitle set for my flight so I instantly know when they're talking to me.

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Inside nations.ini (extract it from flight folder from your installation directory) you can see under each nation the line PilotNameList=NamesXXX.lst. This line tells to game where to look for the available callsigns for each air force. Of course, stock game includes only US call signs, so all air forces use it by default.


If you want to create a callsign which will be used all the time, I guess you have to delete the other ones inside callsignus.lst and keep only one. But if you do this, every flight should use the same name, so you have to create an another callsignXX.lst


Create an .lst file, name it as you like, drop it into flight folder (of your mods directory), open it and add these lines:



XXX <--- Put here the name you like



Delta 47

Echo 77

Gulf 88

Hotel 45

Kilo 52

Mike 83

November 90

Papa 34

Sierra 68

Tango 61

Victor 14

Zulu 29








Probably it's gonna work but you need to edit the subtitles.srt and change the .wav files cause you will hear the stock ones while in the screen you will see the one you selected. After this don't forget to assign the nation with your new callsign.lst. (described at the top of the post)

Edited by tiopilotos

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I'm not finding the Nations.ini in the FlightData.cat, but found the one in MODs folder.

I created a notepad TGH.lst and edited the MODs Nations.ini replacing all Callsigns.us with TGH.ini. It didn't work.

The game still gave me a random (Bison) callsign.

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