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Unable to find "What if" F-31?

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Hello everyone,


I remembered flying one of my favorite 'what if' aircraft known as F-31 for SF2 very long time ago. It was based on X-31 (http://en.wikipedia....ckwell-MBB_X-31) and I have been looking for it for long time and is unable to find it. I also searched for it in 'what if' hanger in SF2 aircraft download, so I am wondering if any one of you can point me to which link I can find F-31 for SF2? I am contiuning to search through thousands of files for these in Download section. Search engine won't let me use exact name like F-31, F-29, and other and it keep giving me "Not found". I tried typing in F-29 and it said not found so I had to manually swim through many pages of aircraft to finally find F-29. However, I am still not able to find F-31 unfortunately so I thought I would ask someone here if anyone have seen F-31 files for SF2?


I appreciate any helps and I am in process of re-building my SF2 collection and it have been very long time since I have flown SF2. It is good to be back into SF2 simming time.

Edited by Eagle114th

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Ah I see, Thank you for the advice with 'search engine". I will start using "name" or "nick name" of aircraft to search for specific aircraft from now on. And thank you for the link to F-31 "Mustang", much appreciated!

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the search function has always been a little flakey ... like, if you don't know exactly what your looking for, you might find nekked wemons (which isn't all THAT bad!!)

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Mention of the X-31 takes me back to the opening sequence of Jane's Fighters Anthology.

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the search function has always been a little flakey ... like, if you don't know exactly what your looking for, you might find nekked wemons (which isn't all THAT bad!!)

the search function has always been a little flakey ... like, if you don't know exactly what your looking for, you might find nekked wemons (which isn't all THAT bad!!)


Wrench, I just sent you PM a few days ago, hopes you get it. Just a head up.


Mention of the X-31 takes me back to the opening sequence of Jane's Fighters Anthology.


EXACTLY! Now you see why I truly wanted to fly F-31 (X-31) and create mission related to opening of Jane's FA. Jane's FA in old day was one of greatest sim time for me when I was kid. Here is video, just for sakes of nostalgic:


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