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I can state categoriclly...

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....that Stary's "trick" with using ONE base skin located in the MAIN aircraft, seperate 'skin' folders with their specific texture sets and decals ini, and differing decals in a 'base' decals folder, works 100% perfectly.


experimenated with Raven's Hurricane 1, using the standard Day Camo (Battle of Britian type), and simply pointing the decals ini to differing squadron codes, and a base set of ID letters and serials, created NO issues when selecting the other squadron with a single flight.



this means the upload can be much smaller!!!

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I think it was Brain's trick actually...I could be wrong though!



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so if i understand this right, i could take one USN/USMCGrey for F-4's, then just have the different textureset (to establish usn67, usn 70 etc) and decal inis in what would be the usual skin folder? if so that would be hyper sweet for my naval Phantoms


i assume a drastically diff skin like TPS would still be all in the skin folder under these circumstances

Edited by daddyairplanes

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my apologies, Brain!!


and thanks for this!!

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yeah Bob, it was Brain who invented it :ok:


I think my HDD will be much happier with such trick!

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I made excellent use of Brain's trick when I uploaded the F-15JKai skins. Without it, the skin folders alone would total more than 800MB!

By the way, you can still have other skins even when using this method. And you can also put textures that are common to all variants (i.e. turbine blades, canopy glass, etc) in the main folder. Anything in individual skin folders will override the base texture in the main aircraft folder when chosen, so you can mix it up freely.

Obviously the same thing works for Ground Objects too,

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oh i will defineatly make use of this. not so good for USAF Phantoms, but will be great for Naval Phantoms. just laying out folders for prep work i have at least 8 variations of USNGrey per Aircraft and 7 of those! times 15MB per skin and i feel yer pain WBS.

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....that Stary's "trick" with using ONE base skin located in the MAIN aircraft, seperate 'skin' folders with their specific texture sets and decals ini, and differing decals in a 'base' decals folder, works 100% perfectly.


Now don't get me started on who found it out first... :biggrin:



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