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G940 or Cougar ?

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I found recently both at a good same price. What would you suggest? (i am currently a bit more inclined to G940 due to pedals being included in the set and Cougar movement feel being a bit stiff i think while heard i think various hardware issues over the years?)

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I have been eying the G940 for years, but then again pretty much everything else - Keyboard, Speakers, Mouse - are also Logitech products.


So far, however I have not been able to pay the 200 euros for the set.

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at least its οnly 200 € there

Edited by squid

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Been leaning towards a G940 set myself, just can't quite justify the expense right now.



Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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I used the Cougar and had no problems the controls will loosen up some with use,I guess it's a question of whether you want single throttle control or dual.

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I have both. I stopped using my Cougar as it got old and replaced it with the G940. I already had an old set of TM RCS pedals from the 90s (when I had my FLCS/TQS combo) so that wasn't an issue.


The Cougar is great when new. As it ages, not so much. Pots wear out, the springs and throttle loosen up, and it became impossible to be precise. I wasn't going to spend more money to fix it up, and the RCS needed work too. For literally the same money as that would've costed me I bought a G940, which as mentioned was a whole set. It's a hardware defect you might say in that regular use wears it out far too quickly IMO.


The pedals in the G940 are a little narrow for me (as I was used to the wide-set RCS for over a decade, but apparently this is the width of most pedals out there), but otherwise work fine. The stick has Hall sensors, no pots, so the stick is very precise. FFB works great, except for the latest DCS World patch which porked it. Prior to that, it was a delight in everything and especially in the Black Shark. The micro-stick/hat, like the thumb microstick on the Cougar throttle, is a pain. Sometimes programs read wrong inputs from them (or rather fail to read that you've centered it all the way), so it can make target designation with either annoying. That's a negative for both that is equal, though, so it shouldn't sway you either way. I compare it to my old FLCS/TQS which had a better one, but is of course hopelessly obsolete now (which is why I bought the Cougar all those years back).

The only negative with the G940 IMO is the throttle. There's this dumb dead zone hardcoded into the drivers that makes precision difficult. To be explicit, say you're increasing the throttle and the value is going up 56, 57, 58, 59, 60. Ok, now you want to throttle back. You start moving it and NOTHING. Then...poof! 56. It jumps, it doesn't decrease. You keep pushing and it will now drop normally 55, 54, 53, etc. Until you reverse it again, then POOF 57. The throttle reports that value at the correct spot, so it's not that it gets out of calibration or anything. It merely fails to send the values immediately after you reverse direction. So in my example you could make it jump from 60 to 56 and back to 60 ad infinitum and NEVER get 58, say, if you needed that for formation flying or carrier approach or whatever. Want 58? Push it up to 62 and then pull back, or pull it down to 54 then push up. There is always a gap of 4 when you reverse unless you're at 0 or 100, which work fine.


I've learned to live with it. Logitech has been asked multiple times to change this behavior and has refused because apparently they think this is the way it should be. Again, it's not a defect, it's something deliberately coded into either the firmware or the drivers, I forget which, that dictates this.


Some people have issues with wires being too tight inside the rudder pedals or throttle, making things like the R1/2 wheels in the throttle or the wheel brakes in the pedals fluctuate at max movement limits, but it's pretty easy to open them up and free up the wires from their overly conservative tie downs should it affect you.

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I have moved up to the Warthog and ProCombat pedals,I had the old TM RCS which was great unless you want Toe braking.Yes like anything else you use alot your stick and throttle will wear unless you can get used to one of the forced feed joysticks that dont move at all,It sense's your input thru the force you put on the stick just like the real ones in the F-16,F-22,F-35.It has no moving parts so unless you snap it in half during a high g turn Thats a plus.But I never tried one and dont know if i can get used to that.Maybe someone here can comment if they use one.

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G940 has been discontinued by Logitech. Read my review here about it's performance. And to follow up Logitech never fixed the software that caused the nose of the jet to pitch 10 degrees down when centered. If you can afford the Warthog I recommend it highly.

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1. Throttle lag issue ?

2. Pitch issue ? (no trim fix for that ?)


Sounds like bad news for G940 precision


both cougar & G940 are discontinued thats why i guess i found them @ a good price

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I see that just happened in October. I guess 3 years was it. Didn't help that Logitech basically worked on firmware and things for only 6 months then stopped.


Well, that sucks. Should my 940 break, I guess I'll have to either find a leftover 940 out there or go CH. I'm not going WH because it costs more and has no rudder pedals, so I'll have to pay even MORE to get those. CH meanwhile I could get the whole setup for $300, just like the 940 cost.

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