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Hey guys, can you help a fellow flyer out? :)

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Hey guys! I first wanted to thank everyone for the awesome mods. I've had countless hours of fun over the past months.

But, as I start digging into .ini modifications and the sort (new modder in the midst perhaps? ;) ) I've come across three points I could use some help in.

For starters:

1. The F-4E Phantom ARN-101 (F-4E_79) has these annoying 'adapters' or something underneath each shoulder pair in each of the inner wing pylons.

It sticks out under anything I load...and it just look plainly awful, especially after jettisoning external stores, etc. Any help? It LOOKS like an AGM-65 Adapter...but I'm not entirely sure. I'm trying to make a quasi F-4EX Enhanced Super Phantom..GE-F414-EPE's, Meteor capability on MER, AIM-2000 IRIS-T Capability ON MER, lower weight due to carbon fiber and modern alloy's, updated avionics and glass cockpit, improved fuel quantity, flaps from the F-4S (FULL WING BABYY), etc. It's basically a compilation of many small mods and .ini edits. Looks awesome, and fights superbly! Can turn with a MiG-19! LOL


2. Certain "What if" MiG-23's (such as the german flogger, the F-7C, etc) Look SPECTACULAR. BUT I think a healthy improvement would be to port over the stock MiG-23 FM into them, as they have this annoying tail wag after each aileron roll. Any clues on what to modify?


3. A long time ago, an F-15 super pack was released. I WAS STOKED. It was amazing. But one little detail has bugged me since then. They fly like wallowing whales! Not like the stock 3W F-15. I would like to make them more agile and nimble, possibly porting over the Stock F-15 FM to the 3rd Party F-15's? Any helps on that too?


Finally, everything looks awesome. Seriously. I can't thank you guys enough. Stary's cockpit's are amazing, (The German dude...forgot your ID, sorry!!!) weapon packs and teaser packs look amazing. Can't wait for updated brimstones, etc! Wrench. Your sense of humor plus smart .ini editing has gotten me flying circles around everything. To everyone else, thank you for everything!

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Making an EPE was fairly easy, but not to be construed as factual data (It said a 20% increase so i just took the normal values and well, increased it by 20%:


Open your data ini, scroll down to the Engine1 and Engine2 and copy and paste these values:








Like I said it's only based on estimation, the more hard data I get the more the numbers will change.

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Cool, I just added your values for the EPE's...they work epicly!

Any ideas on the rest however? I'm really keen on eliminating those pesky adapters on each wing pylon? Who could help me?

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which version of the E_79 are you using? just went to look at the one in NF5 and the inboard pylons look fine to me. decalling is another matter given i dont remember the 480th TFS's tailcode being CE.......

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which version of the E_79 are you using? just went to look at the one in NF5 and the inboard pylons look fine to me. decalling is another matter given i dont remember the 480th TFS's tailcode being CE.......


Hey man, I'm using TMF's F-4E ARN-101, or more likely known as the F-4E_86. The inboard pylons seem to have a Maverick adapter that I can't get rid off. It's really weird!

In response to amariani: They are not the flare dispensers. The flare and chaff dispensers are at the very top where the pylon meets the wing. They are 'small squares' (best way I can describe them).


I'll upload a pic tomorrow.

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ok as said i took a look at the Arnie Phantom in NF5 and it would be the most upto date for patches and what have you. still has some ini editing to do IMHO but did not see anything amiss. awaiting screenies before further comment/assistance.

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Hey guys! I first wanted to thank everyone for the awesome mods. I've had countless hours of fun over the past months.

But, as I start digging into .ini modifications and the sort (new modder in the midst perhaps? ;) ) I've come across three points I could use some help in.

For starters:

1. The F-4E Phantom ARN-101 (F-4E_79) has these annoying 'adapters' or something underneath each shoulder pair in each of the inner wing pylons.

It sticks out under anything I load...and it just look plainly awful, especially after jettisoning external stores, etc. Any help? It LOOKS like an AGM-65 Adapter...but I'm not entirely sure. I'm trying to make a quasi F-4EX Enhanced Super Phantom..GE-F414-EPE's, Meteor capability on MER, AIM-2000 IRIS-T Capability ON MER, lower weight due to carbon fiber and modern alloy's, updated avionics and glass cockpit, improved fuel quantity, flaps from the F-4S (FULL WING BABYY), etc. It's basically a compilation of many small mods and .ini edits. Looks awesome, and fights superbly! Can turn with a MiG-19! LOL



What cockpit are you using ? It would be great to have the look and feel of an F-4s office but with a new instrument panel with multiple MFD's and wide angle HUD.

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What cockpit are you using ? It would be great to have the look and feel of an F-4s office but with a new instrument panel with multiple MFD's and wide angle HUD.

ok as said i took a look at the Arnie Phantom in NF5 and it would be the most upto date for patches and what have you. still has some ini editing to do IMHO but did not see anything amiss. awaiting screenies before further comment/assistance.





Okay, so I finally managed to take some screenies of the adapters. They are kinda hard to see, but they are right below the inner wing pylons.

@Icarus: I'm using a Kurnass 2000 glass cockpit. My modelling skills are nowhere near as good as to make my own cockpit...so as of now, I'm using that as a place holder :(

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I can't see the images, and probably couldn't help out anyway at least for the adapters. But methinks they're setup (may have to look in the data.ini) and see what's up with that as I don't know. If they have red sides on them they could be the AIM-4 Falcon adapters (not sure if the Israelis used them?) and are part of the model.

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Sadly they are not the AIM-4D Adapters...I insist in saying they are single AGM-65 adapters.

I looked into the .ini but couldn't find anything. Does anyone have an ARN-101 data .ini at hand?

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Hrm... did you mess with the pylons in any way? That's weird, The Kurnass correct?

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Not really, I only updated their capacities (ARM'S, 2IR's, Etc)

No, I'm using TMF's F-4E-86 ARN-101

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Ahh I see... the best I can do is give you a clean version of the data.ini, as I'm not sure why it's happening.


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Cool thanks man!

Additionally, any way in which I could change a plane's FM?

As what I explained in my OP

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You'd have to talk to Fubar512 or some other guru to help with that...

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