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Just as a wild idea: since i can't use Photoshop at work, i began to make several templates, just the panel lines, with Paint shop Pro, so i have like 15 templates from almost all TW MiGs and Sukhois, but i will have no time to paint them all, so i was wondering if i'm wasting my time by doing them or if i upload them will they be usable, they are all in 2048 x 2048, they won't be ready soon, because of all my other projects, so let me know your thoughts.

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do so, SF2 Tools section

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Yeah go for it!

BTW how's the MiG-23BN temps? Do you think I should upload the Tu-22 templates you sent me? I tweaked them some but the majority of work is ofcourse yours.

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I will do the Floggers too, BN is very advanced now, stenciling will kill me, hahahaha, and about the Tu-22 temps, i planned to make a skinset too with new textures, i will be contacting you when i have them ready and we can share :)

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