+FLOGGER23 3,141 Posted May 31, 2013 Been looking in my weapons collection and i don't think we have decent ones (hope not offending no one here, not my intention) so, i was wondering where i can get detailed info about them, specially the MBD-3 and MZBD-U4T, but some others are welcome too. Thanks to Martin who helped me too put this in the correct area, since i initially posted it in SF1 :$ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Centurion-1 1,228 Posted May 31, 2013 Yeah we really need those, I can volunteer to do the 3d stuff if anyone can find good drawings or at least correct dimensions. Regarding foreign MERS, do we have any french such? Like these: Found this: Multi Lock beam holder MBD3-U6-68 is designed for the suspension, transporting and dropping six bombs of different modifications of the caliber of up to 250 kg with the Su-24 (M), Su-27, Su-30MKI, Su-30MKK. holder provides tactical or emergency jettisoning bombs, fuse arming bombs after the actual separation, the use of bombs for 30 days without having to remove them and carry out additional checks and adjustments holder 500 discharges bombs during the specified life in 1500 flying hours and the period of 15 years. The holder is operable at ambient temperatures from -60 ° C to +60 ° C, the kinetic heating, under the influence of sea mist, dust, frost, dew point, solar radiation, in icing conditions. Specifications: Operating voltage, V - 27Drive Type - electro- discharge intervals bombs ms - 100, 200, 300, 450 weight bracket, kg - ≤ 148 overall dimensions: width, mm - 610 Length, mm - 3737 Height, mm - 410 Многозамковый балочный держатель МБД3-У6-68 предназначен для подвески, транспортирования и сбрасывания шести авиабомб различных модификаций калибра до 250 кг с самолетов Су-24(М), Су-27, Су-30МКИ, Су-30МКК. Держатель обеспечивает тактическое или аварийное сбрасывание авиабомб, взведение взрывателей после фактического отделения авиабомбы, применение авиабомб в течение 30 суток без снятия их и проведения дополнительных проверок и регулировок держателя, 500 сбросов авиабомб в течение назначенного ресурса 1500 летных часов и срока службы 15 лет. Держатель работоспособен при температуре окружающей среды от -60°С до +60°С,при кинетическом нагреве, при воздействии морского тумана, пыли, инея, росы, солнечной радиации, в условиях обледенения. Технические характеристики: рабочее напряжение, В — 27 тип привода — электромеханический интервалы сброса авиабомб, мс — 100, 200, 300, 450 масса держателя, кг — ≤ 148 габаритные размеры: ширина, мм — 610 длина, мм — 3737 высота, мм — 410 Lots of info here:http://www.russianarms.ru/forum/index.php?topic=4697.0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted May 31, 2013 That would be cool, we need those pylons for the Su-17 and later versions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Svetlin 580 Posted May 31, 2013 Krizis made a couple of years ago an excellent MBD-3 rack and shared it with me, but I am not sure if he ever included it in a publicly released weapons pack. Also Krizis has not been active here for quite a while now and I have no contact with him outside CA forum. If anyone has contact with Krizis, then may be he could ask Krizis to upload the MBD-3 or at least grant permission to upload the rack on his behalf. Krizis also made and shared with me a KKR-1 pod for the Su-17/22, but again no public release. May be he would agree that both the MBD-3 and the KKR-1 be uploaded here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+76.IAP-Blackbird 3,557 Posted May 31, 2013 We need definatly that sharkpod!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+RAVEN 414 Posted May 31, 2013 Shark pod is a must have!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stratos 3,238 Posted May 31, 2013 Will look cool on a Mirage F1 too!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites