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I only get to see parked aircraft during single missions in Iceland, never during campaigns...

I increased the parkingchance of all airfields, but nothing, no parking on the dancefloor...


For other terrains it works fine (although you mostly only get to see parked aircraft near where you are on the map)


Anyone had the same problem in Iceland?



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Have you set Ground Objects to Unlimited in graphic settings?

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it sure does affect it!


you can also extract the 7 IcelandNA airfield inis, drop them in the IcelandNA terrain folder (make one of you don't have one), and increase the parking chance percentage to like 90. it's only set at 60 right now

Edited by Wrench

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i had already increased everything to 90, even 100

but ok i'll try with the object to unlimited


thanks, another mystery solved

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so parking chance is 90 and ground objects is set to unlimited, and yet no parked aircraft during a campaign (except for carriers)

only single missions do i get parked aircraft in iceland...

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bringing this up again

i started a stock campaign with no mods, same result no parking during campaign, only single missions

i increased the parking chance and yet, nothing... only single missions


am i the only one who's getting this?

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I am getting this too, both in NA and in other mods which use the SF2NA.EXE file.

I have GroundObjects set to unlimited, and only very occasionally get one or two parked aircraft, usually none.

I am sure there used to be more parked aircraft in earlier versions of SF2.

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I am getting this too, both in NA and in other mods which use the SF2NA.EXE file.

I have GroundObjects set to unlimited, and only very occasionally get one or two parked aircraft, usually none.

I am sure there used to be more parked aircraft in earlier versions of SF2.


Perhaps it's one of those "minor tweaks to improve performance" that TK included the recent patch?

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Nah, I've been some of the same issues even before the patch.

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