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Off-map airbases ... how to?

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I'd like to add the Japanese bases on Formosa, and the US bases at Manus and the Palaus to the Phillipines 44 map (as a great number of the Heavy Bomber groups operated out of them, and some mediums too. Formosa is obvious for the Tianan (sp?) AG).


can someone explain how this works, in particular "locating" them. I've looked at the IcelandNA_Targets.ini, and while the statements are (somewhat) clear, how it works not so much




Name=Leuchars Air Base








I can see that Location3 is Scotland (and very obviously off-map!!), as I can assume (oh! that word!), that I'd need to add the locations for Formosa, Manus Island and Palau.

But the actual X/Y coordinates are what's throwing me

Do I put them at The Wall, in the 'general direction' of their location, or behind it??



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I took a quick look at Iceland, given the declared map size is 1000000 in each direction and we have off-base maps with coordinates such as 1745942.5,708235.1, it can safely be assumed that coordinates are well beyond the wall.


It does not seem that some of these coordinates are approximation of the coordinates off-map bases would have if they were on-map (if only because most of them would have to use negative coordinates then), they might correspond to imaginary refueling points.

Edited by Gunrunner

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I always put them on "this side" of the wall, but about only about 1/10th of the total map width or height.  Seems to work.  I put a US base over water in the far western part of the Israel map as a place to simulate NATO bases for my F-111's.

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Putting them "on-map" may help making their spawn point predictable, however in Iceland there seems to be a method to TK's placement of off-map bases, I think it's used to determine range/endurance and map entry vectors for the campaign engine.


It's interesting that for locating bases south or west of the map, you have no other choice than putting them, technically, on the map (last time I tried negative coordinates resulted in a freeze).

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I don't exactly know how to do them, but I noticed that the A-Team PTO SolomonsWW2 terrain has several off- map airbases which work, because I have seen aircraft from them (that is, of types not based on the map, like the PBY-5A) showing up in the Guadalcanal campaign. They all seem to have positive coordinates, on the right or top of the map.

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