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Hi all. So for the Solomons-V3 terrain, I find you cannot fly from the following airfields foe campaigns. They are Vunakunau, Rapopo airfield, Lakunai airfield and Gasmata Airfield. Any one have any idea how to fix this. Thanks.



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I'm not sure but I'm assuming there not that close.  I have had ships operate north of Rabaul with no problem.  I forgot to mention I can fly single missions from those bases with no problems too.

Edited by TheWarrior

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Is your problem that once captured you cant fly from those fields or what?

Once I had a problem with units not showing up, was the unit numbering that was screwed up. So check for syntax and typo errors too!

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Yea I checked out the numering and syntax as well to make sure it was right. It's like what you said. The units are not showing up. The reason why I think it maybe the bases is because I can play those aircraft in a campaign. There just assigned to anther base. Im also having a problem with some Japanes airgroups not showing up on the carriers in campaigns but I have no problems in sigle missions.

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Alright.  I think I may have figured this out but it make no sense to me but oh well, if it works. ok.gif.pagespeed.ce.qOVQHLmZjN.gif For campaigns it appears you can only base at Rabaul on New Britain.  It's the only base that works there for campaigns.  Now for something new.  It would appear that no IJN aircraft with more than one engine will show up in a campaign for the Japanese on the Solomons Terrain.   I have tried the Mavis, G3M, G4M1 and 2. No dice.  American multi engine aircraft show up with no problem.  Any idea?

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speaking of airfields, there's al "glitch" in the operational year-wise for the Japanese bases on New Georgia and Bouginville.


they should "turn off" when Torokina becomes active. Something I forgot to do


they are: (north to south..)



Empress Agusta Bay



Ballelie (sp?)

Barkoma (vella levala)



Also, check the aircraft data ini  --- most medium bombers are speced for MEDIUM airfields (1, 2, 5, 6, and in this case, 7)

limiting them to the 'larger' fields around Rabaul. Which would be historically correct

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So I made that fix for those airfields you listed above.  I also checked the Japanese medium bombers ini's and made sure they were assigned to the right bases for there size.  Still have no multi engine Japanese aircraft showing up in campaigns for the Solomons terrain.

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Are the bombers IJA? I just checked the Nell and It and the textures are IJN, but  the 'sf2_ad_oscar_pak'  Is 'Japanese Empire', the oscar zip I have is dated 9/12. Something to look at maybe?

Edited by RAVEN

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Betty's and Nell's are IJN

There were many full Kokutai of Val and Kate operating from Rabaul too (to say nothing of various mark Zekes)


Sally is Japanese Empire (IJAAF).


if importing DAT, you'll have the



Helen (don't know if they were used in Solomons Campaign, they were in New Guinea)

I don't count the Dinah, as that's a recon bird


that's pretty much it for JAAF bombers

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