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How do you remove paint from a plane and...

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you can also try enlarging (ie: resize) the template to 2048x2048, or even 4096x4096.


that helps EXCEEDINGLY!! well, Makes things a LOT easier to see

expecially for us folks with older eyes (trust me!)


this is the locator (panel finder) Ant was talking about. it's in jpg now, but won't matter when dropped in as a new layer on the template (resized as necessary)

Edited by Wrench

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Sundowner,  found Panel Finder.  Took a bit of time and burned brain cells to figure out how to get it on the plane.

Stared at all those numbers, boxes and colors for a while.  My eyes crossed, and the colors started melting and flowing and waving and slowly dancing in mid-air ... I thought I was on LSD again.  The only thing missing was sitar music, a paisley print shirt and bell-bottom jeans.

This one's going to take some time to learn.  I can only learn a small bit at a time.  It may be weeks before I wake at 3 a.m. and exclaim 'Eureka!'

Thanks for the heads-up on it.





EricJ, I knew aligning these was going to be a bit#@.  I use the ruler lines to guide me when painting parts I can't see well.  Helps me to color inside the lines.  Guess I'll just have to keep going back at it till I get it right.  Will probably take lots of time.

Thanks for the tip.



Wrench,   Where were you before I went on my mind-trip?

Edited by GearyMcS

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