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Medal of Honor recipient asks to return to duty

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If the army, the unit and and the comrades are awesome... why to leave at all. I would do same in his place.

CMOH is not given without reason (I really hope)

And people need heroes in these dark times.

Edited by Snailman
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Well said Snailman.

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I am glad CPT Swenson got the award he rightfully deserved. There is a back story to the Ganjal battle that a lot of people do not understand. A lot of inter-service rivalry and a certain branch upset over their lack of MOH recipients. CPT Swenson showing professionalism, grace, and integrity rose above all that and if he wants to come back in then it is his decision alone to make. I hope this is what he wants. CPT Swenson is a hell of a soldier and optimizes the U.S. Army's example of the "quiet professional." Remember, the first casualty of war is the truth.







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