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Is there a way to get air to air missiles to detonate when they are near a target? For example if a missile is decoyed is there a way to detonate a missile just as it passes near the aircraft?



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if the missile passes in the set parameters yes it will explode , the parameters on most of the AA missiles are set to way to low value the reason for that is that this missiles make at least some damage


the setting you have to change is this FusingDistance=0.500000 , you find it in each of the missiles weaponsdata.ini


the problem here is that most of this missiles have a very small explosive mass and if you change the FusingDistance= from 0.5 to 10.0 you may have the same effect as you have now , no damage to the target , but it is worth a trail


but keep in mind that even now if you hit a target with a AIM-9 the target in some cases still keeps flying with very little damage to it

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Another question :

Does the proximity distance have an effect on damages ?

For instance, early magic detonation distance was too large, which minimized the damage to target


Can this be modelled ?


I tried but did not find significant effects 

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Another question :

Does the proximity distance have an effect on damages ?

For instance, early magic detonation distance was too large, which minimized the damage to target


Can this be modelled ?


I tried but did not find significant effects 


that is the same question backward :grin:


more  FusingDistance= less damage


but it has no impact on the missile accuracy , if a missile passes in 2meters from target and your FusingDistance=0.5 then there is no explosion  ,  if a missile passes in 2meters from target and your FusingDistance=10.0 you have a explosion


i just like to point out that "small" AA missiles like the AIM-9 etc. can produce limited damag even with a direct hit , i think everybody did encounter that a missile did hit the target and the target did fly away

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Proximity fuses on air to air missile should be like a disk sticking out from the nose of the missile oriented perpendicular to the missile's long axis, the fusing distance being radius of the disk. If I recall a discussion thread from when SF2:NA came out correctly TK did not model them this way, instead he made the proximity fuses a rod sticking out from the nose of a missile in the same way a bomb fuse way as a bomb fuse extender sticks out from the nose of a bomb. I believe there is a variable that causes the sensitivity of the fusing distance to fluctuate creating a randomness in how close the missile is when it detonates and thus randomness in how much damage it will do. What this means is that missiles don't do the exacts same amount of damage every time and that in order to detonate they have to be on a near direct hit flight path anyway. For example an AIM-54A that passes 1.5m to the side of a Tu-95's fuselage will not detonate it no part of the aircraft gets within 2m of directly in front of the missile. 

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that is the same question backward :grin:


more  FusingDistance= less damage


but it has no impact on the missile accuracy , if a missile passes in 2meters from target and your FusingDistance=0.5 then there is no explosion  ,  if a missile passes in 2meters from target and your FusingDistance=10.0 you have a explosion


i just like to point out that "small" AA missiles like the AIM-9 etc. can produce limited damag even with a direct hit , i think everybody did encounter that a missile did hit the target and the target did fly away

Yes, but are sure it is modelled the right way in the game ?

This is my question

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this only TK could answer and as we know you will get no answer from him :grin:

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Okay, sorry that I am bumping this thread a bit however I came across the proximity fuse related threads over on the ThirdWire forum. They are locked but you might be interested in reviewing the discussions.


This is what started the discussion.




Here is the "Proximity fusing" thread.



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i´m not a huge fan of TK´s decissions but reading this threads above i can understand TK´s frustration much better

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