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Skin Request for TW F-16A, 138TFS, NYANG 174th TFW

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If anybody has made a 138TFS, NYANG 174th TFW skin for the TW F-16A, I would be very grateful, if they could share it 


In the War for Israel mod I found the South Carolina ANG skin which was quite a thrill given that I am now using the TW F-16A in ODS. 


Thank ye!



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i am very certain there is one in the Viper pack DL section. not stock TW, but still in there and better for what your lookin at than stock anyhow most likely'

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probably easily made; just a matter to fin flash decals and tail codes. Any other markings, again, easily done with decals

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for the 3rd Wire F-16A, made from the Netz???

that's what he's asking about


there's one for the C model in the Blk 25/30 Viper pak


well, if he really wants, the templates (for the 3W Netz) have been in the d/l section for at least 2 years... might be a good time to start learing how to skin, perhaps??


I found one I'd started for the A-16, but never finished. Couldn't get the damn tilted "NY" tags right on the right side, and the triple cursed checks on the fin....eeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr. gave up on it

Edited by Wrench

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NP, brudda!!




been messing with it on and off most of the day. This is the best I can do. Just can't get those frakking checks right!! They're painted on, as is the "NY" (and that's yet another brain buster! stupid me couldn't get the 'reverse, upside down backwards ' letters right, then it just "popped" into place)


have to figure out a way to use a decal for the checks....

Edited by Wrench

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absolute best I can do...frakking checks!!

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That's awesome!!!!

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