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Has anyone exported planes from WoI Expansion Pack?

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Has anyone exported planes from WoI Expansion Pack?


I've been trying to export the Meteor and Mustang from the WoI Expansion Pack for other SF1 installs not based on WoI.  I got all the Ini and lod files and the cockpit files out of the cat file.  I converted the ini files from Unicode to ansi.


The planes show up in the selection menu but nothing shows up when it loads.  Only Invisible planes and cockpits.


  I've done all I know to do.  I suspect it's the lod's but can't figure out why the planes show up in WoI but won't show up In WoV, SFG or WoE.


Any ideas??

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.lod,s are Unicode.

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The WoI Expansion Pack is unique. It provides a bridge between the early versions of SF2 and the SFP1 series.

You bring SFP1/WoV/WoE content into the WoI Expansion Pack version AND you can bring some SF2 content (early lods that weren't locked away yet) as well.


But: WoI does not support SF2 level RWR displays/indications and there are some bugs that TK never bothered to fix.

SF2 was progressively patched beyond recognition, so much later lod content can't even be legally extracted and wouldn't work if they were.


This unique install provides one interesting benefit: almost SF2 level game (looks and AI comparable to early SF2) AND multiplayer.


At one time, I was trying to build a multiplayer install package for this setup, complete with all compatible SF2 models and textures.

But I just didn't have the time and patience.

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Has anyone exported planes from WoI Expansion Pack?


I did it the other way around back then: use the WOV/WOE/SFP1 and Some SF2 resources for a merged install with the WOI expansion exe+dlls.

The WOI expansion has some nice features: aircraft wrecks and skinnable droptanks and can read some SF2 formats. Though it cannot read the latest models from 2011+.

WOI expansion also fixes the WOV campaign handling, which got broken at the 2008 level.







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So ... I'm guessing from your answers, if this is possible, it's beyond my capabilities.


Too bad, those are some great (almost) SF1 planes.


Thanks guys,




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You can't bring WoI Expansion Pack content into SF1/WoX series... but you can bring SF1/WoX series content into WoI Expansion Pack game.

It is a lot of work, but can be very rewarding if you aren't going to migrate to SF2, or want some aspect of SFP1/WoX AND SF2 updated aircraft (i.e. all the great F-4s and their cockpits).

So, export stuff out of SFP1/WoV/WoE and bring them into to a WoI Expansion Pack installation and you will get what you are looking for.

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You can't bring WoI Expansion Pack content into SF1/WoX series... but you can bring SF1/WoX series content into WoI Expansion Pack game.

It is a lot of work, but can be very rewarding if you aren't going to migrate to SF2, or want some aspect of SFP1/WoX AND SF2 updated aircraft (i.e. all the great F-4s and their cockpits).

So, export stuff out of SFP1/WoV/WoE and bring them into to a WoI Expansion Pack installation and you will get what you are looking for.


I tried moving my SF1 Korea install into a  WoI XP install.  What a nightmare.


Sometimes things worked, then wouldn't. 


Although it was late at night and I was unfocused. 


I suppose I could try again. 


WoI XP is one good looking game.

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This topic contains my guide to merging all 2008 level games. But it is not updated to include WOI expansion.



I would think that if you install WOI expansion over the above it would be OK.

One word of caution is that WOE 2008 may contain more weapon entries in 'Weapondata.dat/Weapondata.ini'


(My current customized SF2NA 'Lite' install still has its roots in that manual merge of 2008. Mainly because I want faster loading times and higher framerates then what I get from a stock merged SF2)

Edited by gerwin

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   Great info.  Wish it was in step-by-step instruction format.  Reading all the changes throws me after I think I have set in my mind.


   Going to give it a try first opportunity I get where I'm left alone and can focus.



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