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Rolling Thunder (A) - Mission 09

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This will be our first night mission - a two ship armed recon against targets of opportunity along what I'd imagine would be the Ho Chi Minh Trail...




I've lightened the screens up a bit in post-processing to allow us to see what happened. The mission as flown was quite a bit darker..


The lights from my wingman illuminate my cockpit as I roar down the catapult into the darkness..








With no idea what kind of targets we'll be finding, I've brought along a mixed load of Napalm, CBUs, and Snakeyes...




We pick up our waypoints and it is pretty evident that no other carriers are launching strikes or fighters at this hour. Looks like we are on our own this evening...




The radar picks up the coast and we are soon in the target area. Flak and AAA is very, very light - I don't know if this is a reflection of operating down near the DMZ or if they just don't shoot as much at night...




Our target turns out to be a few troops pushing carts down the trail.. Without the aid of labels it would have been impossible to find them - so I rationalize that I might have had a long-range patrol down there helping mark the targets for me.




I select a napalm canister and roll in on the target...






The explosion rips across the jungle below - I have no idea if I hit my target, but the explosion is awesome!






The view from my wingman as he circles the area...




Suddenly, Red Crown gives me warning of enemy fighters in the area - but way too late. The MiGs are already screaming down from above us! I should have been keeping an eye on my map!




I quickly dump all my stores, and push the throttle forward until I fear I'm going to bend it. I point my nose south hoping I can drag the attackers into friendly anti-aircraft range...




Only one of the two MiGs is on us, and he has taken an interest in my wingman. I query the TAC for help and they do have some fighters to the north they vector down toward us. I see the flight on my map and reverse course and hope to drag our tails up toward the oncoming friendly fighters...






As we make the turn, I can see tracers behind me as the MiG starts to take shots at my wingman!




The F-104s are trying to get into the fight as quickly as possible, but it is a race against diminishing time as the MiG gets ever closer to my wingman...




The debrief will later show that my wingman survives for 30 seconds after the initial burst, but the racing F-104s get there a few seconds too late.. In my haste, I had forgotten to give my wingman his "drop tanks" command that might have squeaked him out some more maneuverability and speed..




The flaming trail of my wingman arcs across the sky to my right as I continue north toward the intercepting fighters...




As I fly under the fighters, they take up the fight...






The MiGs are quite skilled and keep the F-104s on their toes for a bit. But it is four on two and though it takes a bit of time, eventually the Starfighters triumph..










I take advantage of the distraction to beat it toward the coast and soon I'm back over the safety of the ocean, but alone in the sky. It is a short, but long flight back to the boat as I mourn losing another squadron member...












To my surprise, we get a mission success just for destroying those two lone VC bike transports with a single napalm strike. I also get a promotion but I'm still upset I lost my wingman - and this time he is KIA and not MIA.










The campaign continues, but attrition will be creeping in...



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Wait,did F-104s use Falcons? It could have made a difference, if little, being B models, to have Sidewinders, specially if outnumbering the MiGs

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Wait,did F-104s use Falcons? It could have made a difference, if little, being B models, to have Sidewinders, specially if outnumbering the MiGs

Not likely, and never on the wingtip rails.  It is also unlikely that one would find an F-104 providing MiGCAP for the Navy in Route Pack 1 at night.  That was strictly the job of Navy F-4s.  This is, of course,  is due to the randomness of the TW game-engine.



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I am so loving this series, please keep them coming!!!!! 

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Fuby's right, you really wouldn't find an F-104 providing MIGCAP in RP1.  But, you would find 104 escort sorties in North Vietnam, which "utilized one to three flights of four F-104s deployed at various altitudes between the strike area and the Hanoi-Haiphong area. CAP points were 225 to 275 miles NNW of DaNang and on-station times varied from forty to ninety minutes."  Unfortunately, as the war progressed though they primarily served as cover escort for the EC-121s (although they did engage in some CAS and weather recce missions).

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Those screenshots are amazing! Particularly like the last one of the napalm and the first one of the MiG.

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